How do I move DOM elements with jQuery ?


jquery-logo - appendToThe jQuery.appendTo method makes it easy to move a DOM element. You won’t need to be concerned with creating or destroying elements and event handlers are preserved.

Moving DOM elements using vanilla JavaScript can be a bit tedious. It’s certainly possible, and it is a good idea to understand the steps, but it does require more code. jQuery provides powerful abstraction for this task, however, and the amount of code needed is minimal.

Whenever possible, I favor using vanilla JavaScript to solve a problem, because leaning on jQuery too much can weaken your overall JavaScript skills. In this case, however, I recommend letting jQuery do all of the work for you. The main issue with vanilla JavaScript when it comes to moving DOM elements is the need to understand the intricacies of the low-level hierarchical DOM API. For example, you’ll need to get ahold of the parent element of the DOM node, after which you’ll want to move your target element. Frankly, I commend anyone who wants to take on this challenge, but in many cases, it just makes sense to leverage jQuery.

Try it yourself !

See the Pen Moving DOM elements with jQuery by Front End Video (@frontendvideo) on CodePen.

In the above example, click the “HTML” tab. There are two DIVs with the IDs: “left-list” and “right-list“. DIV#left-list has an unordered list with the days of the week, and DIV#right-list is empty. Now click the “JS” tab. You’ll see that there is a click-event handler for $('#left-list li'). This means that when any of the list items are clicked, the anonymous function you see will be executed.

Go ahead and click each of the days of the week and you’ll see that it is moved to the DIV#right-list element. After each element is moved, if you click it, nothing happens.

In the anonymous function, we use the JavaScript this keyword to reference the element that was clicked. Actually, we wrap the JavaScript this keyword with jQuery: $(this). We then chain the .appendTo method, and pass it a target element: .appendTo( $('#right-list') ). Here we are telling jQuery: “Move this element to the #right-list element, and make it the last child“. So, we are appending it to DIV#right-list. We then chain this: .unbind('click');. The reason we do that is: the jQuery appendTo method retains any event bindings for elements that are moved. Most of the time, this is probably what you want. But in this case, we do not want the event bindings to travel with the element because once a list item is moved inside of the #right-list element, we no longer want it to have a click-event handler. But that is simply for this example.


Simply put, moving DOM elements with vanilla JavaScript can be messy business, but the jQuery.appendTo method provides abstraction that simplifies this process. Instead of having to dig into the low-level DOM API, you can simply specify the source and target HTML elements. In other words, you let jQuery know which element you want to move, and which element you want to append it to. In cases such as these, it’s often best to let jQuery do all of the work for you. It will certainly minimize the amount of boilerplate coding you’ll have to do, and will help to keep your JavaScript easier to manage.



jquery-logo jQuery can return one, or multiple HTML elements in the matched set. jQuery.filter() reduces the elements in that matched set, based on a criteria that you provide.

Most front-end web developers understand that jQuery literally queries the DOM, and returns a set of elements that match the CSS-like text string that you pass to the jQuery function (AKA: “$()“). But what if you want to further refine that query? Using jQuery.filter(), you can tell jQuery things such as: “Filter out the ODD elements”, or “Filter out the elements that have the word “automobile” in their text”, and so on.

One of the things that makes the jQuery.filter method so powerful, is that you can not only pass a string to it, but also a function. Passing a function allows you to write code that programmatically tells jQuery exactly how  to reduce the matched set. See Examples # 2 and # 3 below for more information about passing a function to the jQuery.filter method.

Example # 1

See the Pen jQuery.filter Basics – Part 1 by Front End Video (@frontendvideo) on CodePen.

In Example # 1, we have an unordered list that contains the seven days of the week. We want to apply some custom styles to only the even elements returned in the query. So, we use jQuery.filter(). We pass the string “:even” to jQuery.filter, which tells this method to return only the even elements (that is, element # 0, element # 2, element # 4, element # 6, and so on). As a result, only the days Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday have the custom style applied. This is because the jQuery.filter method filtered the matched set down to those elements only, and returned a new set of only those elements. We then chained the .css method to that set, and applied the class “styled“, which adds some padding and the background-color: #FFB347.

Example # 2

See the Pen jQuery.filter Basics – Part 2 by Front End Video (@frontendvideo) on CodePen.

In Example # 2, we pass a function to the jQuery.filter method. In this function, we use the JavaScript modulus operator, telling jQuery that we only want every 5th element in the matched set. As a result, every 5th item in our unordered list has the custom styles applied. Don’t be misled by the simplicity of this example. Passing a function to the jQuery.filter method provides a tremendous amount of power. In this case we simply indicated that we wanted every 5th element, but because we are using a function, the code you write in order to filter out the matched set is limitless.

Example # 3

See the Pen jQuery.filter Basics – Part 3 by Front End Video (@frontendvideo) on CodePen.

In Example # 3, we once again pass a function to the jQuery.filter method. In this case, we tell jQuery that we want to reduce the matched set down to only the elements whose text is less than six characters. As a result, only the word in the list with five characters or less have the custom styles applied. Play with the example code yourself. For example, change this: return $(this).text().length < 6; to THIS: return $(this).text().length < 8;. Notice how the number of list items with custom styles changes. This is because you have changed the criteria passed to the jQuery.filter method by changing the code in the function.


When you query the DOM, When jQuery returns one, or multiple HTML elements in the matched set, so depending on how you organize your code, you may want to further refine that matched set. The jQuery.filter() method allows you to determine how that matched set is further refined, and what makes the jQuery.filter() method so powerful is the fact that the argument you provide can be as simple as a string, or as complex as a function. Passing a string is surprisingly flexible, and passing a function provides exponential power, as you can programmatically determine the result set that the filter will return.

JavaScript Array.prototype.join()


javascript joinThe JavaScript join method converts an array into a string.

Converting an array to a string in JavaScript may seem like an unlikely scenario at first, since they are dissimilar types, but this is not as uncommon as one might think. I’ve found that when I want to build a complex string, organizing the various parts of that string into array elements can be a helpful approach. For example: I have to build many vanilla JavaScript applications that feature custom CSS. The CSS is completely managed by the JavaScript code, but I ultimately inject a new STYLE element into the page, with the custom CSS as the content of that element. In building these custom styles, I organize each CSS rule into a string that is an element of an array. Then, after all of the custom CSS rules are created, I use the join() method to combine all of those array elements into one long string, and make that string the content of the STYLE element that is injected into the page.

At first glance, it may seem a bit odd to use a space, hyphen or forward slash as the separator, but as a developer, you are likely to find yourself in many situations in which the business requirements require you to solve unexpected problems. Converting a number of array elements to a string and separating each element with an odd character will be a challenge you will run into, so be prepared; if it has not happened yet, it will! Fortunately, the Array.prototype.join() provides an elegant solution to this problem.

If you pass no arguments to the JavaScript join method, then there will be no space between the characters of the string. Or, you can pass an argument that determines how to join the elements of the array. Which character(s) you provide is up to you. The most common practice is to use the default, which is a comma (” , “ ), but again, the choice is completely yours.

Try it yourself !

Click the JavaScript tab in the above example. We have an array with six elements: [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’]. When we call the join method on that array in the first console.log statement, it returns the string: “a,b,c,d,e,f”. This is the default behavior. That is to say: when you do not provide a separator argument, the characters in the returned string are separated by a comma  (” , “ ). In the following examples we do provide a separator argument. In each case, you will see that the separator is used to create the returned string.

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String manipulation in JavaScript can be tedious, as converting an array to a string is a problem that might tempt one to use a for-loop as a solution. But the Array.prototype.join() method was specifically designed to solve this problem, as it negates the need for any kind of for-loop or other iteration patterns. You can simply chain the join() method from your array reference and then pass a character as an argument, which tells the join() method how you want to separate the elements of the array when converting to a string. In the long run, it really is a smooth way to go.

Introduction to the JavaScript Array reduce() method


JavaScript LogoJavaScript’s Array reduce() method can be a bit confusing. It doesn’t “reduce” any of the array elements, in fact they are not changed. This method “reduces” the array to one value.

An array is essentially a list, and in JavaScript, that list can contain any valid value. Most array-specific tasks involve “doing something” with the array, or you may need to “do something” with every array element. But what if you need to convert the array into one value? In other words, if the array contains a list of values, what one value could represent all of those values? In this article, I’ll explain how the JavaScript Array reduce() method provides a way to solve this problem.

An important concept to think about is how you can translate a list of values into one, that represents all of them. In some languages, all arrays must be “typed”. In other words, every array element must be of the same type. In JavaScript, you’re not limited in this way; a JavaScript array can contain any number of numbers, strings, arrays or any other valid JS value type.

It’s true that Typescript can limit this kind of freedom, but you’re not required to use Typescript and ultimately, Typescript compiles down to JavaScript. So, the reality of dynamic arrays in JavaScript has not changed. Therefore, if you want to reduce all of the values in your array to one, it’s important to consider the type of each element. If all of the elements in your array are of the same type, things are fairly simple. If the types vary, however, that can get complicated. Of course, that discussion is beyond the scope of this article, but I just wanted to point it out.

Using a while-loop – Example # 1

See the Pen Array.prototype.reduce() – Challenge by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

A “while” loop is a valid way to iterate a JavaScript array and that approach has worked for us here. We effectively “reduced” all of the elements of our array to the one value of 79, and we did this by adding each array element to the “getTotal” variable.

When I said that this approach “…has worked for us”, you may notice that I didn’t say that it “…worked well”. This is because the approach we took solved a problem, but created a couple of issues, the main one being boilerplate code. Most of the code in our “while” loop will be repeated if / when we need to solve the same problem elsewhere in our code. In addition to that, we have created an “i” variable to keep track of our counting during our “while” loop. It may seem innocent, but the more variables we create, the more variables we need to manage. Fewer variables is better.

Using the JavaScript Array reduce() method – Example # 2

See the Pen Array.prototype.reduce() – Solution – 1 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

The Array reduce() method has dramatically simplified things in Example # 2. Notice how, in the getTotal the variable is now an anonymous function. In this function, we add the accumulator and currentValue arguments. Now you may be wondering: “What are the accumulator and currentValue arguments?” Well, take a look at the last line of code: milesPerDay.reduce(getTotal). What’s happening here is, we’re executing the .reduce() method of our “milesPerDay“, passing it the getTotal as an argument. This is the anonymous function that we detailed a few sentences ago.

So, the reduce method iterates the array and provides access to not only the currently iterated value (i.e. the current array element), but also the value that was returned by the previous execution of this function. This allows you to “accumulate” values across the array.

The arguments passed to the JavaScript Array reduce() method –
Example # 3

See the Pen Array.prototype.reduce() – Solution – 2 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

Example # 3 does not provide any additional value with respect to solving the problem; the solution from Example # 2 is solid. The purpose of Example # 3 is to offer more detail about the arguments that are passed to the function provided to the Array reduce() method.

As demonstrated in the UI, the first argument is the accumulated value that’s being created as you iterate the array (i.e. the value returned by the last execution of this same function). The second argument, “currentValue”, is the value of the current array element. In the third, the index of the current array element is provided, and in the last, we see the array over which you are iterating.

I decided to show the value of the “array” argument to demonstrate that the Array reduce() method does not itself make any changes to the original. You can do that within the function passed to the Array reduce() method, but reduce() itself does not make any such changes. What you choose to do with these arguments is up to you, but just know that they’re helpful in building the logic you need to reduce your array to one final value.

Introduction to the JavaScript Array map() method


JavaScript LogoJavaScript’s array map() method allows you to “do something” with each element of an array. This has always been possible, but the map() method’s syntax is simple and elegant.

When you have an array, you’ll eventually want to “do something” with it. You may, for example, want to do something with the entire array, such as showing all of its elements in the UI. But what about when you want to “do something” with each element in that array? This poses a bit more of a challenge.

First, you’ll need to iterate the array, which requires some kind of loop. Second, you’ll need to keep track of your iteration process, which requires a counter variable (which requires you to control that variable’s scope). This may seem like no big deal, but it’s work and each time you want to solve the same problem, you’re writing code that’s virtually identical, but not entirely the same, so you start to copy and paste.

This kind of repetitive boilerplate code is tedious, it must be managed, and as repeated code, it becomes a red flag. So, since this kind of coding presents unnecessary problems, what we’ll cover in this article, is how the JavaScript Array map() method solves these issues.

Using a for-loop – Example # 1

See the Pen – Challenge – 1 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

Our first pass at this solution employs a for-loop. As mentioned above, this introduces a few problems. We have the “i” variable, for instance, which in this example is a global. In a real-world situation, however, we would want to put this code in a function so that the “i” variable does not wind up in the global scope. Also, the code in our for-loop is tedious. We need to use the “i” variable to keep track of the currently iterated rawNumbers element. There’s definitely a better way to go about this.

Using the Array map() method – Example # 2

See the Pen JavaScript Array.prototype.find() – Solution 1 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

In Example # 2, we use the JavaScript Array map() method to solve the problems discussed. We’ve passed an anonymous function to that method, and this anonymous function takes the currently iterated number as its first argument. Inside of our function, we have some simple code that rounds the currently iterated number.

The biggest benefit to using the JavaScript Array map() method is that we no longer have the “i” variable or the for-loop. This is already a major improvement, especially the reduction of code, since it means that it’s simpler and easier to read. These are not minor details, and if this is a task that occurs multiple times in your application, you’ll soon find that the benefit gained by reducing repetitive code will quickly become significant.

Passing a function to the Array map() method – Example # 3

See the Pen – Solution – 1 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

The approach in Example # 3 is similar, but there’s one big difference: instead of passing an anonymous function to the Array map() method, we pass to the Math.round method, which makes our code even easier to read. This is largely because we leave the implementation details to Math.round and eliminate even more code: our anonymous callback function. There are two reasons that we can do this: Math.round takes a number to round as its first argument, just like our anonymous function, and it returns the rounded number, just like our anonymous function. Simplified code is better code and in this case, we have Math.round to thank for that.

Introduction to the JavaScript Array find() method


JavaScript - find methodJavaScript’s Array find() method allows you to find the first element that matches logic provided by you.

When you have an array of values, it’s likely that you might need to find an element in that array. In particular, you might want to know which element in this array meets a certain criterion. Well, the criteria are up to you. For example, if your array contains numbers, you may want to know how many of the elements in that array have a value higher than a certain amount. Well, in this article I’ll demonstrate the JavaScript Array find() method, which provides a straightforward way to confront this problem.

Iterating an array usually requires counting. This makes sense, because in order to “do something” with every element in the array, you have to know how many elements are in there (i.e. the array’s “length”). Then you have to keep track as you count up to (or down from) the length of the array. This approach is perfectly valid, but it comes with problems.

The first problem is that setting up a loop of any kind creates boilerplate code, then you need a counter (i.e. “i” or “j”), and finally, you need logic that uses the value of your counter to determine whether or not your target elements have been found. Just discussing this in a “pseudocode” context is tedious, and writing the actual code is even more so. But the JavaScript Array find() method solves this problem, as it removes the need for tedious boilerplate code.

Using a while-loop – Example # 1

See the Pen Array.prototype.find() – Challenge by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

The tedious boilerplate code we discussed above is exactly what you find in Example # 1. We’re using a while-loop to iterate over the someNumbers array. On each iteration of the loop, we use the value of “i” to examine the currently iterated array element and determine if it meets the criteria for our search. This code is valid and it works, but it’s less than optimal.

Using the Array find() method – Example # 2

See the Pen Array.prototype.find() – Solution by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

In Example # 2, we use the Array find() method to eliminate the problems introduced in the previous example. We’ve passed an anonymous function to the Array find() method, and this method takes the currently iterated element as its first argument. Inside of this anonymous function, we provide some logic that determines the currently iterated array element, then we decide whether or not it meets the criteria for our search. The first big benefit here is that we’ve removed the “while” loop. Also, we no longer have the “i” variable. These may seem like small details, but every variable takes up memory, and has scope.

As we know, JavaScript scope is controlled by functions, or blocks. So, for any variable we use, we need to either create a function to control its scope, or carefully initialize that variable in the right function. So the main benefits of the Array find() method are the simplified syntax in which verbose boilerplate code has been removed, and working with our more elegant JavaScript, which is easier to follow.

Introduction to the JavaScript Array filter() method


JavaScript array filterWith the Array filter() method, you provide a function that returns an array containing the “filtered” elements. It is within this function that you provide the logic that determines how your original array is filtered.

Sometimes you have an array, but want to reduce the number of elements you work with, based on a certain logic. For example, you may have an array with the days of the week, but you only want to work with the days that start with the letter “T”, which means that you only want the elements “Tuesday” and “Thursday”. Well, JavaScript’s Array filter() method provides a simple and elegant interface by which you can solve this problem. In addition to the straightforward syntax, the Array filter() method eliminates the need for boilerplate code such as a for-loop. To further explain, we’ve demonstrated this in the code examples that follow.

Using a for-loop to filter an Array -Example # 1

See the Pen Array.prototype.filter- Challenge by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

In Example # 1, we use a “while” loop to iterate the word’s array. “While” loops are perfectly valid in JavaScript, but they always make me nervous, because whenever I’ve started to use a “while” loop, I immediately ask myself: “is there a better way to do this?” The main reason is that with a “while” loop, if you’re not careful and your “while” logic is faulty, the loop could theoretically run forever. This is a bit off-topic, but I just like to point out that it’s important to use “while” loops with care.

Back to Example # 1. Inside of the “while” loop, we use the value of “i” to determine if the current word should be pushed to the “shorter” array or the “longer” array. Once this loop has completed, we update the UI to show the number of “shorter” and “longer” words. Again, perfectly valid code, but kind of verbose and less than optimal.

Using the Array filter() method -Example # 2

See the Pen Array.prototype.filter – Solution # 1 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

Example # 2 is a major improvement over the previous code. We leverage the Array filter() method to determine the number of “shorter” and “longer” words. There are a couple of areas of improvement here.

First, we’ve removed the need to manually push words to the “shorter” and “longer” arrays, because of the simple syntax of the Array filter() method. Notice that as we create the “shorter” and “longer” arrays, we assign the value by executing the Array filter() method. We provide an anonymous function to the Array filter() method, and the logic is simple: the sole argument passed to that anonymous function is the iterated word, and inside of the function we simply determine if the word’s length is greater than or less than five.

Second, we’ve removed the “while” loop. This is a major improvement, given the fact that it reduces the amount of code, but also since there is no longer any possibility that our code will run forever because of the use of a “while” loop.

Passing a function to the Array filter() method – Example # 3

See the Pen Array.prototype.filter – Solution # 2 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

The winsPrize() function approach of Example # 3 differs a bit. Instead of using an anonymous function when executing the Array filter() method, we pass a function declaration. Also, we’ve chained the Array filter() method off of an array literal (in other words: we create the array and then immediately execute the filter method). This is not necessarily a “more correct” approach, it’s just less verbose. The logic of the winsPrize() function is similar to the code in Example # 2. The main difference is that we pass a function declaration instead of an anonymous function.

JavaScript Template Literals – Basics


JavaScript LogoTemplate Literals introduce a new syntax into JavaScript. The backtick character provides a way to have placeholders as well as multi-line text without special characters.

Working with strings is a daily activity for most JavaScript developers. One of the most common challenges is dealing with multi-line text. This is not an unsolvable problem, but it can certainly be painful. In this article, I’ll demonstrate how Template Literals can be used to make working with multi-line text much easier. Also, I’ll demonstrate how to use placeholders with Template Literals.

Double and single quotation marks are the way that we have always worked with strings in JavaScript. Either approach works fine; you just need to be mindful of some restrictions. For example, with valid JSON, all properties must be in double quotes. Also, backslashes must be used to escape double and single quotes, depending on which one is in use. But now we have Template Literals, which introduce a new character: the backtick. When using the backtick, you can include line breaks in your text and they will be respected when your text is rendered. You can also use the newline character: “\n”. When using the newline character, you can “programmatically” insert a new line in your text without literally doing so.

Using HTML to create new lines – Example # 1

See the Pen YeYmNb by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

For Example # 1, we’ve taken the “old school” approach: we have created text using single quotes, and used the BR HTML element to create new lines in our text. When you look at the UI for Example # 1, you see that the new lines were created just as expected. We also use string concatenation to combine the “firstPart“, “endpart” and “author” variables. This is all fine, and I can say I’ve employed this approach thousands of times. The drawback with this, however, is the need to use the BR HTML element to create new lines in our text. It works as long as we actually render the HTML in our browser, but what about a situation in which the text will be rendered in a non-browser context?

Using Template Literals – Example # 2

See the Pen JavaScript Template literals – Solution by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

Well, you’ll notice a dramatic difference in how we do things in Example # 2. Here, we’ve used Template Literals — specifically, the backtick character, to create our string. In doing so, we were able to include line breaks simply by literally using new lines in our text. You may have noticed that I’ve used a textarea HTML element to display the text, because, if I were to use a paragraph element, you wouldn’t see the line breaks. And this is because the paragraph element would simply render all of the text inside of itself. But by using a textarea HTML element, we can see that the line breaks have been preserved.

Now in Example # 2 you’ll see that there’s another new concept in play: the placeholder. On Line # 21, we create the “allText” variable, which contains the combined text contained in the “firstPart“, “endpart” and “author” variables. But instead of using string concatenation (as we did in the previous example), we use placeholders. The placeholder syntax is simple: you use a dollar sign and curly braces. Inside the curly braces, you can insert any valid JavaScript expression, which will be evaluated. In our example, we use this placeholder syntax to combine the “firstPart“, “endpart” and “author” variables.

Using the New Line Character – Example # 3

See the Pen JavaScript Template literals – Solution 2 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

Example # 3 is identical to the previous one, with one exception: we use the newline character instead of literal new lines. The output here is exactly the same, but the method for creating the string is different. This is not necessarily a “better” or “more correct” way of doing things; it’s simply an alternative way to create new lines in your string literal. The advantage here, of course, is that the new lines are created programmatically. For example, if you had a function that generated this string, based on some dynamic logic, you might want to include a single line break or double line break, depending on the logic. The newline character makes this kind of task much easier.

JavaScript Object Literal Shorthand Syntax Basics


JavaScript object literal shorthand syntaxJavaScript Object Literal Shorthand Syntax is a feature that provides a path to cleanerJavaScript. Not only does it provide a way to reduce the size of your code, but it will be easier to read and understand.

Many ECMAScript 2015 features provide improved ways to solve problems. Object literal shorthand syntax is a bit unique in that it’s not so much a shiny new tool, but an improved syntax. Now it might be tempting to dismiss this kind of feature as less-than-stellar, but it’s worth working into your routine for a number of reasons. For example, an improved syntax can lead to less code, and not only that, the code you write can be easier to understand. And believe me, those who inherit your code will thank you for this. So, in this article, I’ll explain how to use object literal shorthand syntax when defining properties and methods.

Typical Object Literal Syntax – Example # 1

See the Pen JavaScript Object Literal Shorthand Syntax – Challenge by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

Let’s start with the way we’re used to working with object literals. In Example # 1 we have a getGoods() method that returns an object. The value argument is used on execution to set the value property, and the lowerValue() and raiseValue() methods lower and raise that value property. So this is all fine and everything works exactly as expected. In fact, if you look at the UI, the text that you see shows that our methods set and value property accordingly. Unlike many of the examples in this blog, there is nothing to “fix” here. Our code works fine and follows a typical syntax pattern because, as stated, I mainly wanted to establish that this is the way we normally work with object literals.

Object Literal Shorthand Syntax -Example # 2

See the Pen JavaScript Object Literal Shorthand Syntax – Solution by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

Now, in Example # 2 we do things quite differently. To start, look at Line # 3. When we set the value property, there is no colon; we simply assign the value of the “value” argument that was provided when the function was executed. This syntax is concise, thereby requiring you to write less code. Now it may seem like a very small savings here, but when you have an application with many thousands of lines of code, the savings quickly add up.

Okay, so next, look at where we define the lowerValue() and raiseValue() methods. Here, notice two things are missing: there is no colon, and we don’t need the function keyword. We simply provide the parentheses and the curly braces (as well as the code inside the curly braces). Here, too, the savings may seem small on a per-line basis, but in a large application, the difference will be dramatic. And the additional benefit, especially when defining methods, is that the code is a bit easier to read.

Introduction to JavaScript Default Parameters


JavaScript default parametersJavaScript functions can take arguments, but they are optional by nature. Default parameter syntax makes it easy to determine if one or more arguments have been provided and if not, initialize them.

While something like Typescript can make it easier to enforce certain practices, use is voluntary. Ultimately, you can’t force a consumer to provide one or more arguments to your function. There are ways to work around this problem, but solutions are not simple. As is often the case, for example, solutions sometimes introduce new problems. There’s good news on this front, though, and in this article, I will demonstrate the JavaScript default parameter syntax and how it solves the above-mentioned problem.

The JavaScript default parameter syntax is surprisingly simple; instead of specifying an argument in the parentheses, you initialize it. This may look a bit deceiving, and, in fact, some may think that by doing this you are absolutely setting that value. But quite the contrary: what you are saying is: “If argument X is not provided, then initialize it and set it equal to this value.” So, you’re providing a “default” value for that argument, and if that argument is provided when the function is executed, then the provided value is used.

Example # 1

See the Pen JavaScript Default Parameters – Challenge by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

In Example # 1, the addBonus() function takes one argument: “bonus.” In that function, we had to write code that checks to see if the “bonus” argument was provided. If it was, then we use the provided value. Now, this code works just fine, but there’s a problem. If we accept this solution, that means that we’ll write code that is virtually identical to it any place else in our application where the same problem needs to be solved. So, of course, it’s worth remembering here that any time we have repeated code, we know that there’s a better way to solve a problem.

Example # 2

See the Pen JavaScript Default Parameters – Solution 1 by Kevin Chisholm (@kevinchisholm) on CodePen.

Now, when you take a look at the approach in Example # 2, you’ll see an immediate improvement. We’ve leveraged default parameter syntax so that the “bonus” argument is now optional, thereby creating the biggest advantage of this approach, which is that there is no longer any repeated code. By simply initializing the “bonus” argument, we ensure that if not provided, that variable will have a value.

Creating your First Node Module


Node.js Logo - node moduleBy defining your node module in package.json, you do not need to be concerned about its physical location when referencing it in your code.

Sometimes your Node.js application depends on functionality that falls outside of Node’s core components. In this case, you’ll need to import that functionality. This can be achieved with a node module. Organizing your code into modules enforces best-practices such as separation of concerns, code-reuse and test-ability. When you create a custom Node module, you can reference that module’s code in package.json.

So, in this article, I’ll demonstrate how to create a custom Node module for local use. We’ll cover how to reference a local custom Node.js module in package.json, how to expose methods from within that module, and how to access the module from a JavaScript file. To get started, why don’t you go ahead and clone the following github repository: Creating your First Node.js Module

You’ll find instructions on how to run the code in the Git hub page.

package.json – Example # 1

Example # 1 is the contents of our package.json file. The name and version properties are for demonstration purposes, but the dependencies property is the one that’s important to us. The dependencies property is an object that contains one or more Node modules needed by an application. So, when running the npm install command, node package manager will download all required modules. And the information in the dependencies object will tell node package manager what to download.

Specifying a local file instead of a remote resource

For this project, we use a special syntax to import a module that’s in the local file system. Notice that the value of the dateTools property is: “file:my_modules/dateTools“. This tells node package manager that the dateTools is in the my_modules/dateTools folder.

Our Custom Node Module – Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have the contents of our dateTools module. Now, obviously, this module doesn’t do all that much. It simply shows that there are four methods: getDays, getMonths, getDay, and getMonth, and that there are two arrays: days and months. The idea is that the getDays and getMonths methods return the appropriate arrays, and the getDay, and getMonth methods return the specified day or month, based on the number you pass in as an argument.

So, while this module is not one you would use in a real-world application, it does provide simple methods so that we’ll have some structure to work with.

File Structure

What I really want to focus on for this article is the architecture of the module. So, when you look at the Github repo, you’ll notice that in the dateTools folder, there are two files: index.js and package.json. Now, you may be thinking: “hmmmm… didn’t we already have a package.json file in this application?” Well, yes, we did, but this is the beauty of Node.js: all modules can, in turn, have a package.json file. This way, a module may have its own dependencies, and those dependencies might each have their own dependencies, and so on. So, the idea is that this architecture allows for a highly modular approach to creating software.

package.json in Our Module – Example # 3

In Example # 3, we have the package.json file that sits in the root of our custom module. The private property indicates that we do not wish to publish this to the npm registry, and the main property indicates the name of the module’s JavaScript file. Our module is the result of this file’s execution.


Now, take a look again at Example # 2. On line # 22, you’ll see module.exports = {…}. Every Node module has an object named module.exports, and this object allows the author to make one or more properties and methods available to the outside world. In our case, we provide an object with properties that correspond to four methods. So, this way, when any Node.js code references our dateTools module, it is accessing this module.exports object.

The Demonstration Code – Example # 4

In Example # 4, we have the JavaScript file that demonstrates our module. The most important part of the code is line # 2, where we use the Node.js require method to import our dateTools module. Notice how we reference the module by name: dateTools. This way, we are not concerned with the actual location of the module; the package.json file in the root of our application takes care of that for us. Thus, the name dateTools resolves to the my_modules/dateTools folder, and in that folder, the package.json file resolves the name dateTools to index.js.


The dateTools module in this article is simple and is designed, primarily, to offer four basic methods as the heart of an introduction to the creation of a custom Node module. The purpose of this custom module was to provide a context for the discussion, and that context was to provide an understanding of your file organization, and how you access your module. The key to much of this discussion was, of course, the file package.json, which allows you to keep your code modular and easy to reference.

I hope that you’ve found this article helpful and that you’re on your way to creating your first custom Node module.

Understanding the difference between scope and context in a JavaScript method


scope and contextSometimes the concepts of scope and context are misunderstood in JavaScript. It is important to understand that they are not the same thing. This is particularly important inside of a method.

In JavaScript, the concept of scope refers to the visibility of variables. On the other hand, the concept of context is used to mean: “the object to which a method belongs”. That may sound like an odd statement, but it is accurate. The only time we care about context is inside a function. Period. Inside a function, the “this” keyword is very important. It refers to the object to which that function belongs. In other words, every function is a property of some object. In client-side JavaScript (i.e. in a browser), if you declare a function at the top of your code, then that function is a property of the window object. So, inside of that function, the “this” keyword refers to the window object. If you create a new object (let’s call it: “myObject”) and add a method (i.e. a property that happens to be a function), then inside of that function, the “this” keyword refers to the object (i.e. “myObject”).

So the main issue is that inside of a method, object properties and variables can sometimes be confused. In short; when the JavaScript “var” keyword is used, that is a variable. A variable will not be a property of an object (except in the global scope, which is for another discussion). But inside a method, any variable created using the JavaScript “var” keyword will be private to that method. So this means that it is not possible to access that variable from outside the method. But inside of a method, you have access to all of the properties of the object to which that method belongs. And you access these properties using the JavaScript “this” keyword. So, for example; if myObject.greeting = “Hello” and myObject.greet is a method, then inside myObject.greet, if I reference this.greeting, I should get the string: “Hello”. And if I have declared a variable named “speed” inside of myObject.greet, I would access it simply by referring to “speed” (i.e. I would not use the JavaScript “this” keyword). Also, a big difference between variables and properties in a method is that properties are always public. That is to say: all object properties can be seen and in most cases modified. But a private variable inside of a method is completely hidden from the outside world. And only our code inside of the method has access to that variable.

Try it yourself !

In above example, we start out by creating a property on the window object named: “foo”. This “foo” object is the result of an immediately invoked function expression (aka: “IIFE“). The reason that we take this approach is so that we can have a private variable: count. Our getCount method as access to that private count variable.

There is also a count property on the “foo” object. This property is available publicly. That is to say: we are able to make changes to the count property, whereas the count variable is not available outside of the IIFE. Our getCount method has access to the count variable, but that is the only way we can reach it.

When we call foo.getCount() without passing any arguments, then it increments the count property and returns it. This is CONTEXT. By using the JavaScript “this” keyword inside of the getCount method, we are leveraging the concept of context. Conversely, when we call foo.getCount(“scope”), then the count variable is incremented and returned. This is SCOPE. It is very important to understand the difference between scope and context in JavaScript.

JavaScript Spread Syntax – Basics


JavaScript Logo - spread syntaxJavaScript spread syntax provides a way to convert an array into a comma-separated list.

In this article, I will cover the basics of JavaScript spread syntax. But first, let’s start by taking a step back and thinking about how functions work in JavaScript. A function expects a comma-separated list of arguments, so, when we call a function, we need to provide zero, one or more arguments, separated by a comma. But what happens when we don’t know exactly what all of these arguments are? Now it may be tempting to simply pass an array, but then this array would be seen by the called argument as simply the first argument. In other words, argument[0] in the function would be an array. But this is not what we want; we want to pass an array to a function and for that array to be interpreted by the function as a comma-separated list of arguments.

Why is JavaScript Spread Syntax So Helpful?

So here’s where the spread syntax comes in: it allows us to put the arguments in an array, and then pass that array to the function we are calling. And, actually, this is only one example of how the JavaScript spread syntax can be helpful, but it certainly is a great way to start the conversation.

Inspect Arguments in a Function – Example # 1 A

The Output from the inspectArguments function – Example # 1 B

Inside every JavaScript function, the “arguments” keyword provides a reference to all arguments that were passed into this execution of the function. The “arguments” keyword is not an array, but an array-like object with a “length” property. Fortunately, however, this “length” property allows us to iterate the “arguments” object as if it were an array. The “inspectArguments” function from Example # 1 A contains a for-loop, which iterates over all the arguments it receives. Inside of that for-loop, we output the value of each argument.

Nothing too special there.

On the last line of Example # 1 A, we call the “inspectArguments” function, passing it: “…letters”. What’s happening here is that instead of passing the letters array, we pass “…letters”, which spreads the letters array out into a comma-separated list. Example # 1 B contains the output from Example # 1 A, and as expected, we see the contents of the letters array.

Spreading Out the Arguments – Example # 2 A

The Output Has Changed – Example # 2 B

Example # 2 A is similar to Example # 1 A, except in the way that we call the “inspectArguments” function. In other words, instead of passing just “…letters”, we pass “x, y, …letters”. This allows us to specify that the first two arguments that the “inspectArguments” function receives are “x” and “y” and the rest of the arguments is the content of the letters array. The point here is that we can mix the use of literals and the spread syntax. So as expected, Example # 2 B shows the output, which is similar to Example # 1 B, except that “x” and “y” are the first two console.log statements.

Using Spread Syntax for Both Arguments – Example # 3 A

The Output – Example # 3 B

Now, in Example # 3 A, we take things a little further. We use the spread syntax twice, which calls the “inspectArguments” function, passing the contents of both the days and letters arrays, spread out into one comma-separated list. Consequently, the output that you see in Example # 3 B is exactly as expected: the contents of the days and letters arrays.

How to test HTTP POST with the Node.js request Module


Node.js Logo - test HTTP POSTTesting HTTP POST requests is usually tedious. Bit with a few lines of JavaScript, you can spin-up your own HTTP POST testing tool.

In web development, GET and POST requests are quite common. GET requests are the ones more frequently seen, and in fact, when you load most web pages, the majority of the requests that make up what you see in the page are GET requests. For example, you request the initial HTML file, CSS files, JavaScript files and images. But sometimes, you need to make a POST request.

Making a GET request is easy, as is testing one. Testing a POST request is not always so simple, though, because the HTTP request body must include the data you want to send. One approach is to create a simple HTML page with a form. The problem here is that you need to create an input element for each data property that you want to send in the POST request, which can be tedious for a simple test. But then there’s Node.js, which can be leveraged to solve this problem.

In this article, we will see how a small JavaScript file can make an HTTP POST request. Now this approach may not be appropriate for use in a production application, but the idea behind this article is to point out that any time you need to test a POST endpoint, you can set up a quick test using Node.js.

Get the example code from GitHub

If you clone this repo:, you can clone the example code locally and edit the code yourself.


The package.json for this project contains references to the modules needed. We’re using the request module, the body-parser module, and the express module.

Example # 1 – The Web Server

In Example # 1, we have the server code. (Creating the server code is not the focus of this article, but it’s still good to review.) We need the express module and the body-parser module, and once we’ve set the references to those, we set up the POST route. So, when the user sends an HTTP POST request to /form, our code will handle this request. The requestAsJson variable allows us to set up the round-trip – that is, the exact same data from the POST request that we return to the user as JSON. We then set the Content-Type header to be application/json so that the HTTP header will be correct. Note the “log the output” comment; this is just for demonstration purposes. We then send the response using the res.end method.

Example # 2 – Testing the POST Request

In Example # 2, we have the test client, which is the focus of the article. We want an easy way to test POST requests, so instead of mocking up an HTML page with a form, we can use the file test-post.js to test an HTTP POST request. We set a reference to the request module, and no other module is needed in this file.

The postData variable is an object containing the data for the HTTP POST request. The postConfig variable contains the URL for the HTTP POST request, and a reference to the postData variable. The postSuccessHandler variable is a success handler for the HTTP POST request. Inside of that success handler, you can see a console.log statement, which completes the proof of concept. Whatever data sent for the HTTP POST request should be output in that console.log statement.

<h2>How to test the example code</h2>

Open two terminal windows (terminal A and terminal B), and make sure that you are in the root of the repository folder. In terminal A, execute this command: node post-server.js. In terminal B, execute this command: node test-post.js. In terminal A, you should see the message: The POST data received was XXX. In terminal A, you should see the message: JSON response from the server: XXX. (In each case, XXX represents the data from the HTTP POST request).

NOTE: Go ahead and change the properties of the postData object. You can create more properties if you wish. No matter what you do, you can see the data that you set in that object in the two console.log statements.

Fat Arrow Function Basics – Node Modules


JavaScript LogoJavaScript Fat Arrow Functions solve the “this” problem by maintaining a reference to the object to which a method belongs. This is the case even with nested functions.

One of the most popular aspects of JavaScript is the fact that functions are first-class citizens. So, this aspect of the ECMAScript specification provides a great deal of power. Now when a function is a property of an object, it is also considered a method. That is, it is a method of that object. And inside of a method, the JavaScript “this” keyword is important, because it allows us to access the object to which the method belongs, as well as its other properties.

Now, when nesting functions, the JavaScript “this” keyword, one of the more frustrating aspects of the language, can be a bit tricky to deal with. So, in this article, I will discuss this very problem and how to solve it using fat arrow functions. If you’d like to run the code examples locally on your computer, clone the following github repository: Using fat arrow functions in your Node module.

(Instructions on how to run the code are available in the Github page.)

One important note about the code examples: the title of this article references “…Node Modules” to keep things simple, so I did not use a node module for the context of the code examples. Most Node applications keep the main file code minimal. Taking a modular approach is almost always a best practice, but for this article, I have put the code in the main JavaScript file.

The problem with “this” – Example # 1

Run Example # 1 in your terminal with the following command: node example-1.js. The result of this is: “THE MESSAGE IS: undefined“.

We have created a tools object in Example # 1, and that name is “tools“, which is arbitrary. It could have been any name, we just need an object to work with. The “tools” object has a “message” property, and there is also a method named “asyncTask“. The asyncTask method simulates an asynchronous task by using the setTimeout method. There is a reference to the JavaScript “this” keyword inside of the anonymous function passed to the setTimeout method. Now here’s where it gets a little dicey: the anonymous function passed to the setTimeout method is not executed in the context of the “tools” object, and therein lies the problem. The resulting console.log message is: “THE MESSAGE IS: undefined“.

So, we need a way to reference the “tools” object inside of the anonymous function that we passed to the setTimeout method. Well, the best approach is still to reference the “this” keyword. A common and popular approach in the past has been to set a reference to “this” before calling the setTimout method. For example: “var me = this;”. Okay, so while that is still a possible technique, there now is a far more elegant approach.

Fat arrow functions solve the “this” problem – Example # 2

Run Example # 2 in your terminal with the following command: node example-2.js. The result of this is: “THE MESSAGE IS: Hello from this.message!”

We made a small change in Example # 2. We converted the anonymous function passed to the setTimeout method to a fat arrow function. Fortunately, this action solved our problem. One of the advantages of fat arrow functions is that they preserve the meaning of the JavaScript “this” keyword. Because of this, when we reference this.message we no longer have an error, and we also see the expected message in the console.

Fat Arrow Function – One Argument – Example # 3A

Fat Arrow Function – Multiple Arguments – Example # 3B

A few things to keep in mind:

  • In Example # 2, the fat arrow function takes no arguments, but, it still has a pair of opening and closing parentheses. This is because when a fat arrow function takes no arguments, you must include a pair of opening and closing parentheses.
  • In Example # 3A, there are no parentheses in the fat arrow function. This is because when there is one argument, you do not need to include parentheses.
  • In Example # 3B, there are two arguments contained inside of parentheses. This is because when there is more than one argument, you must include parentheses.


In this article we saw that fat arrow functions solve the “this” problem because they provide access to the object to which the containing function belongs, and you can access that object at all times by using the “this” keyword. And even when nesting fat arrow functions, the “this” reference is preserved, eliminating the need to set a temporary reference to “this”. Just keep in mind the importance of how the syntax can differ, depending on the number of arguments that the fat arrow function takes. In other words, with zero or multiple arguments, parentheses are required, and with only one argument parentheses are not required. Pretty simple, once you get used to it.

Node.js Templating with EJS – Basics

Node.js Templating

JavaScript LogoEJS Makes Templating in your Node.js application a breeze. Just supply a template string or .ejs file and some data.

The moniker says it all: “Effective JavaScript templating.” If you haven’t already discovered it, you’ll soon find that as front-end web developers have been transitioning to more of a full-stack role, templating has quickly become an important topic. In other words, this is no longer an unusual front-end task for JavaScript developers. And when working with Node.js, EJS has become the standard for server-side templating.

In this article, I will cover the bare-bones steps needed to get up and running with EJS, and in doing so, I’ll show you how to render data in an EJS template. First, I’ll explain the vanilla JavaScript approach. Then, we’ll move on to rendering your EJS template when using the Express.js framework. And finally, we’ll cover the syntax for EJS template code as well as how to use “if” logic in your template.

Now the power in EJS templates is the separation of concerns. Your data is defined (and possibly manipulated) in your server-side code, and your template simply declares what data will be rendered. This approach embraces the concept of “loose coupling”. With EJS templates, you can leverage that same “loose coupling” design pattern in your Node application. This scenario is, of course, fairly common to back-end developers, who have experience with languages such as Java, PHP, Python or .NET. For a front-end developer, however, this may be new territory. So, to illustrate, let’s take a look at some examples.

Example # 1-A

Example # 1-B: The Rendered HTML

In Example # 1 – A we first require the ejs module. This will be the case with every example, so I won’t cover that again. Just know that we need the ejs module in order to render our EJS templates, so we set a variable named “ejs” via require first. Next, we set the days variable; it’s just an array that contains the five days of the work week. Here, too, this will be the case in every example, so no need to cover this again. Just know that in each code example, there is a days variable – an array that contains the five days of the work week. We also set a variable named “http” which is an instance of the Node http module. We’ll need this in order to run our web server.

Okay, so let’s take a look at line # 3 in Example # 1. We’re using the ejs.render method here to create HTML that we will send to the user. The ejs.render method takes two arguments: a string template and the data for that template. In this case, our string template has the “<%=” and “%>” delimiters to indicate to EJS the start and end points for our template. And inside of those delimiters, we can write JavaScript code. So, let’s use the join() method of the days array to convert the array to a string. Then, inside of the execution of the http.createServer method, we’ll call the end method of the result object (i.e. res.end), passing the html variable to that method. And since the res.end() will send the response to the client and end the connection, the contents of our html variable will be sent to the user’s browser. Now, in Example # 1 – B, we have the HTML that is rendered in the user’s browser. This HTML happens to be very simple, and in fact, is not markup that we’d want to use in production. But what I wanted to demonstrate here is that rendering HTML in an EJS template is as simple as defining the template, then providing data to that template.

Example # 2-A: Setting the view engine for Express.js

Example # 2-B

Example # 2-C: The Rendered HTML

In Example # 2-A we’re leveraging the Express.js framework, so there’s a new require statement at the top of our code which sets the Express variable. On line # 3, we create the app variable which is an instance of the Express.js framework. And on line # 9, we use the app.set method to tell Express that we’re using EJS as our view engine. Note that this is required when leveraging EJS templates in your Express application. Now, on line # 12, we set up a handler for the “/” route. And inside that handler callback, we use the render method of the response object. This render method is available to use because of what we did on line # 9: using the app.set method to let Express know that EJS is our view engine. Okay, so let’s go back to line # 13, where we’ll pass two arguments to the render method: the string “example-2” and the data that our EJS will consume.

Now, you may be scratching your head as to what the first argument in “Example # 2-A” means. Well, it’s important to note that when you leverage EJS as your view engine, Express.js assumes that you will have view templates. These view templates are text files with an “.ejs” extension. So, it’s also important to note that Express.js assumes that these files will be in a folder named “views” that resides in the same folder as the file that is currently being executed. You can specify a different folder for your views, but the default folder that Express will look for is “views”. And in the “views” folder, Express.js will look for a file named XXX.ejs, where “XXX” represents the string that you pass as the first argument to the render method. So in our example, we want to use a template that resides in the file: “views/example-2.ejs”.

Here in Example # 2-B, we have the contents of the file “views/example-2.ejs”. And in this template file, there are two locations for data; the title tag and the body tag. In the title tag, we have a binding for the headerTitle property. In other words: we’ve provided some data to the res.render() method on line # 13 of Example # 2-A. That data was an object literal, and it had a property named: “headerTitle”. So, on line # 3 of our “views/example-2.ejs” file, we’ve told the template to inject the value of the “headerTitle” property of the data object that was provided to it. And the same thing is happening in line # 6 of our “views/example-2.ejs” file. In other words, we’ve asked EJS to inject the value of the “welcomeMessage” property of the data that was provided to the template. And then in Example # 2-C, you see the HTML that is returned to the user’s browser as a result of our template in Example # 2 B. In this HTML, the “headerTitle” property binding is replaced by the actual value: “EJS Demo Page” and the “welcomeMessage” property binding is replaced by the actual value: “This message was rendered on the server.”

Now, Example # 3-A is very similar to Example # 2-A, except that the data we provide to the template is an array, instead of just an object literal. If you look at Example # 3-B, you’ll see that the way we bind to the data differs from example # 2-A. In example # 2-A, we bound to a single property: “welcomeMessage”, but here we are using a loop to iterate over each element in the “days” array. Specifically, we use the forEach() method of the “days” array and in each iteration of the callback function, we have access to a variable named “day”. Then we generate a list item and output the value of “day”. So, if you look at Example # 3-C, you’ll see the HTML that is rendered by the server and sent to the user’s browser. Voila! As expected, we have the HTML with the unordered list rendered with each day of the week (i.e. the “days” array).

Example # 4-A is virtually identical to Example # 3-A; the only difference is the value of the “welcomeMessage” property. Take a look at Example # 4-B. You’ll see that on line # 4, we have some custom CSS in a set of style tags. This will make more sense in a few minutes. Now look at line # 20. Here we are looping over the “days” array, just as we did in Example # 3-B. But on line # 22, we use a basic JavaScript “if” block, to determine if this is the fourth element in the array. We do that by using the index variable, which is the 2nd argument passed to the callback function that we provide to the days.forEach() method. So, if index is equal to 3, then we generate the following in our HTML: class=”selected”. What we are doing here is, we are telling our EJS template that the 4th element in the list (i.e. the element with the index of 3) should have the CSS class “selected”. So, in Example # 4-C, you can see in the rendered HTML that the fourth list item has class=”selected“. As a result, the CSS that we added at the top of the EJS template kicks-in and “Thursday” is dark red text with a yellow background.


So, in this article, you learned the most basic steps needed to leverage an EJS template in your Node.js application. You started by learning how to render data in an EJS template using vanilla JavaScript, and also when using the Express.js framework. Then we went on to cover how to bind a single data property, as well as how to iterate an array in your template. And finally, we wrapped it up by illustrating how to use “if” logic in your EJS template.

Now this article only scratched the surface of what is possible with EJS templates. My goal here was simply to provide the information needed to get up and running quickly, and to illustrate the most basic concepts so that you can dig in further on your own, because, believe me, there is plenty more to discover on this topic!

Node.js – What is the Difference Between response.send(), response.end() and response.write() ?

Express JS

JavaScript Logoresponse.send() sends the response and closes the connection, whereas with response.write() you can send multiple responses.

In this article, I will explain the difference between response.send(), response.end() and response.write(), and when to use each one. When you’re working with the Express.js framework, you’ll probably most frequently be sending a response to a user. This means that regardless of which HTTP verb you’re handling, you’ll pass a function as the handler for that endpoint. This function will receive two arguments: the request object and the response object. The response object has a send() method, an end() method and a write() method, and in this article we’ll get to know the differences between them.

So, let’s start with the main issue, which is that the response.send() method is used to send the response to the server. Now this makes sense and in some cases, it’s actually the perfect tool. Problems can arise, though, if you’re not entirely sure what the response.send() method actually does. Well, in a nutshell, it does two things; it writes the response and also closes the connection. So, this seems like a win-win, right? Well, in some cases it is, but if you don’t want to close the connection on your first write, then the response.send() method may not be the right tool. When this happens, you’ll need to use a combination of response.write() and response.close(). So, let’s take a look at a few examples, to see just how this works.

Get the example code from GitHub

If you clone this repo:, you can clone the example code locally and edit the code yourself.

Trying to use the response.send method more than once per request – Example # 1

Run Example # 1 in your terminal with the following command: node example-1.js, then point your browser to: http://localhost:5000/. Now you’ll see this: “This is the response #: 1“. There are two problems here, however, the first of which is that any responses after the first one are never sent. This is because the send method of the Express.js response object ends the response process. As a result, the user never sees the messages “This is the response #: 2” or “This is the response #: 3”, and so forth.

The second problem is that the send method of the Express response object sets the Content-Type header, which is an automatic action. So, on the first iteration of the for-loop, the Content-Type header is set (i.e. “This is the response #: 1”). Then on the next iteration of the for-loop, the Content-Type header is set again because once more, we are using the response.send() method (i.e. “This is the response #: 2). But, we have already set the Content-Type header in the first iteration of the for-loop.
Because of this, the send method will throw this error: “Error: Can’t set headers after they are sent”. So, our application is essentially broken, but we don’t want users to have an error in their consoles. And more importantly; our back-end logic is not working correctly.

Using the result.write method – Example # 2

So, using the result.write method run Example # 2 in your terminal with the following command: node example-2.js. Now point your browser to: http://localhost:5000/. As you can see, there is still a problem with our code. Depending on your browser, either you will see only the first message or you will see none of them. This is because the response has not been completed. So, I’ll just mention here, that not every browser handles this case the same, which is the reason why you may see one message, all of the messages or none of them. But you should see that the request is “hanging” as your browser will stay in that “loading” state.

So, open your developer tools (e.g. FireBug or Chrome Dev Tools), and then look at the network tab. You’ll see that all five responses did, in fact, come back to the client. The problem is, the browser is waiting for more responses.
At some point, the request should time out and you can see all messages in the browser. This behavior can vary between browsers, but it is not the correct experience.

result.end fixes the problem – Example # 3

Run Example # 3 in your terminal with the following command: node example-3.js, then point your browser to: http://localhost:5000/. You will now see all of the messages in the browser, which means that here, in Example # 3, the problem has been fixed. We see all of the messages generated by the for-loop and the response completes successfully with no console errors. So, we’ve solved the problem by using a combination of of response.write() and response.close().

First we set the Content-Type header, just to get that task out of the way. Then, in each iteration of the for-loop, we used response.write() to send a message back to the client. But since response.write() does not set any headers or close the connection, so we were free to call response.write(), to send another response to the client. And once the for-loop was completed, we used the result.end() method to end the response process (i.e. we closed the connection). This said to the browser: “we’re done; go ahead and render the response now and don’t expect anything more from me.”


In this article, we learned about the difference between response.send(), response.end() and response.write(). During this discussion, we found that response.send() is quite helpful in that it sends the response and closes the connection. We saw that this becomes problematic, however, when we want to send more than one response to the client. But, fortunately, we discovered that this is easily solved by using a combination of response.write() and response.close(). We used response.write() to send more than one response, and then used response.end() to manually end the response process and close the HTTP connection. So, useful steps and easily solved problems.!

Node.js File Uploads with Multer


Node.js LogoWhen it comes to the UI, file uploads are pretty simple. But on the back-end, there is some work to do. Multer is a Node.js module that simplifies this process.

Uploading a file is a common task for Web applications. Today, most Web pages leverage AJAX — which requires JavaScript — for a smoother user experience, but this can be accomplished using only HTML and zero JavaScript. The truth is, HTML-only file uploads have been possible for more than 20 years. I mention this to point out that in the browser, file uploads are simple and require only a small amount of HTML. This is only half of the equation, however, because a file upload is useless without some back-end code that can process the file. So, in this article I’ll show you how to process a file upload in your Node.js application. To simplify the back-end code needed to handle a file upload, we’ll leverage Multer, a Node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data.

For this article, our working example code is a simple Node application that accepts a POST request with an “enctype” of “multipart/form-data.” When the user uploads a file, our back-end code will take the uploaded file and put it in the “uploads” folder, right within the root of the project folder. Nothing too fancy here, but it’s worth noting that the examples provide plenty of opportunities for copy/paste. What you do with these examples is up to you, but at least you’ll know how to process a file upload in your Node application.


In the above example (index.html), we have the HTML file for our application, so take a look at the form element. You’ll see that the “enctype” attribute is set to “multipart/form-data,” which means that we will send images in various formats. This is also important to keep in mind because Multer will only process this kind of file-upload. Note also the input element, which has a type attribute of “file.” This ensures that the browser will take care of implementing a file-upload interface. So, in other words, there will be a “Choose File” button, which allows the user to select a file from his or her hard drive. We certainly don’t need to put any effort into this; simply setting type=“file” takes care of all of it. There is also a name attribute for this input element. This attribute is required so that Multer understands how to handle the request. The Submit button will pass the form to the same exact URL because there is no “action” attribute, so the default behavior is: this is the form submitted to the same exact URL.

Configuring Multer – Example # 1

Example # 1 contains all of the code for our Node application. For this project, we leverage the Express framework. By using Express, we significantly reduce the amount of code needed. One of the most powerful features of Express is the ability to easily create middleware, which is a perfect context for Multer because it needs to intercept the HTTP request for us. The upload variable is used to provide configuration for Multer. In this case, for example, it lets Multer know that we want our uploaded files to be placed in the “uploads” folder. We’re using express.static in order to serve the HTML and CSS files to the user, so when the user goes to the “/” route, index.html and style.css are served by the Express framework.

Adding a Handler for the POST route

On Line # 11, we set up a handler for the POST route. If you’ve ever used the Express framework when building a Node application, this pattern should look familiar to you. But notice that the second argument passed to the app.get() method is upload.single(‘img’). We’re using the upload variable created earlier. The single() method takes a string as an argument, which is the “name” attribute of the form field containing the uploaded file. For demonstration purposes, we output req.file to the console so we can see information on the uploaded file. We call the send method of the response object, passing it some HTML, which simply informs the user that the upload was successful and allows that user to go back to the “/” route.

At this point, it would be a good idea to run the example code yourself, so just follow these steps:

  • git clone
  • cd /node/file-uploads-with-multer/
  • npm install
  • node index
  • Open this URL in your browser: http://localhost:3000/

Now in your browser, click the “Choose File” button and browse your hard drive for a file to upload. Once you’ve selected a file, click the “Submit” button. You should see the message: “File upload succeeded.” Now, if you look in the “uploads” folder in the root of the project folder, you should see a file with a name similar to: “08e36ff4c9d3dc106e3a9fa2367797c9”.

So, we’ve made good progress here; our example code works and we’re able to upload a file. As you can see, though, the original name of the file is not preserved, and a GUID-like name is provided. This can be helpful in that users will not overwrite a file when uploading the same-named file more than once. The downside, however, is that there’s no connection between the original file name and the one provided. So, let’s fix that.

Show the Original File Name – Example # 2

Stop the Node application and then start it again, using the second example: node index2. Now, upload a file again.
You’ll see that the original file name is preserved.
In Example # 2, we accomplished this by leveraging multer.diskStorage(). When calling that method, we provided a configuration object. The destination property told multer.diskStorage() where the uploaded file will go, and the filename property provided a way for us to specify what the name of the uploaded file will be. This method receives a second argument called file, so we use the “originalname” property of this object to set the file name. But there’s a new problem now: the user can overwrite an uploaded file by uploading a file with the same name. So let’s fix that.

Create a Dynamic File Name – Example # 3

In Example # 3, we have expanded the anonymous function passed to the filename() method. What we’ve done here is use regular expressions to extract the name of the file with and without the extension. We use to generate what is essentially a unique value, and we piece the new file name back together. As a result, the user can upload the exact same file over and over, but each uploaded file name will be unique. For example: original-file-name_123456.jpg. So, let’s just confirm this. Stop the Node application and then start it again, using the third example: node index3. Now, upload the same file over and over. You’ll see that each uploaded file has a unique name, but the original file name is included so that it’s easy to reference the actual file that was uploaded.

An Introduction to NPM Scripts


Node.js LogoLearn how to leverage npm scripts to create commands that, in turn, execute more than one other npm script command, allowing you to simplify your builds.

As the default package manager for Node.js, npm has seen a rise in popularity because JavaScript’s is just everywhere! This certainly makes sense – npm is well-designed, well documented, and makes Node.js development more seamless. I think most web developers would have a hard time imagining using Node.js without npm, but they often have to turn to technologies such as grunt and gulp to simplify local development and front-end tooling. But with npm scripts, you have an opportunity to move some of your front-end tooling and local development tasks away from third party tools. The beauty of this approach is that it allows you to simplify your setup.

In order to explain npm scripts, I have created a simple project that leverages Gulp. So, to run the code locally, clone the following git hub repository: Getting started with npm scripts.

Instructions on how to run the code are available in the Git hub page.

This project has four features:

  1. It compiles a coffeescript file to JavaScript.
  2. It compiles a SASS file to CSS.
  3. It uglifies a JavaScript file.
  4. It starts a Node.js web server.

This is a very simple example and it’s mostly Gulp compiling and minifying files. I chose this project because it requires some manual steps. Now, it’s possible to automate these tasks using Gulp, but what if you needed to switch to tools such as Grunt, or Broccoli.js? In such a case, your commands would change. For example, “gulp coffee” would become “grunt coffee”. While this is not fatal, it be nice if we could have a consistent set of commands. So the question is, how can we build our local development assets and start the Node.js server with one command? Also, how can we ensure that this one command never changes? Well, this is where npm scripts come in!

Project Folder Structure – Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have the folder structure for our project. There is an src folder that contains three sub folders:

  • The coffee folder has a coffeescript file.
  • The js folder has a JavaScript file.
  • The sass folder has a SASS file.

These three files are used by our build. The built versions of these files are placed in the build/css and build/js folders accordingly.

package.json (no npm scripts) – Example # 2

The package.json so far allows us to use Gulp. We’re using the gulp-coffee module to compile coffeescript, the gulp-sass module to compile SASS, and the gulp-uglify module to uglify JavaScript. So, we have the following commands available to us:

  • gulp sass: This command will compile the file src/sass/main.scss and create build/css/main.css
  • gulp coffee: This command will compile the file src/coffee/ and create build/js/global.js
  • gulp uglify: This command will uglify the file src/js/main.js and create build/js/main.js
  • node index.js: This command will start the Node.js web server on port # 3000.

You can run each command and it will work just fine, but the problem is that each time you change any of the files, you will want to build them again, and then restart the web server.

Adding npm scripts to package.json – Example # 3

In Example # 3, we have added a scripts object to package.json. Here is a breakdown of the script commands:

  • build:sass : This command is a shortcut to: gulp sass.
  • build:coffee : This command is a shortcut to: gulp coffee.
    build:js : This command is a shortcut to: gulp uglify.
    build : This command will execute the previous three commands. It executes three steps in one command.
    serve : This command is a shortcut to: node ./index.js (it starts the Node.js web server).
    start : This command builds all three files, and then starts the web server
    clean : This command will delete every the built file (these are files created by all previous commands).

What to expect when you run the example code locally

  • npm start – The build places the three built files in the build/css and build/js folders accordingly. And then, it starts the Node.js web server. You will see messages in your terminal that indicating these outcomes.
    npm run clean – npm deletes the three built files in the build/css and build/js folders. (This is helpful if you want to “start from scratch” when running the npm start command. This way you see the built files created each time.


This article is a basic introduction to, and high-level overview of npm scripts and its ability to create commands that, in turn, execute more than one other npm script command. As you can see, there’s a great deal of power here, and depending on your needs, they can streamline your front-end tooling process significantly. There’s much more detail available about npm scripts, and a great place to start is: In the meantime, I hope that this article has provided you with enough information to get you up and running.

Web Scraping with Node and Cheerio.js


Node.js LogoCheerio.js allows you to traverse the DOM of a web page that you fetch behind the scenes, and easily scrape that page.

There are security rules that limit the reach of client-side JavaScript, and if any of these rules are relaxed the user may be susceptible to malicious activity. On the server side, however, JavaScript is not subject to these kinds of limitations. And, in fact, in the absence of them there’s a great deal of power, particularly in the area of web scraping, which, as it turns out, allows for one of the cool upsides of this awesome freedom.

To get started, clone the following github repository: Basic web scraping with Node.js and Cheerio.js.

You’ll find instructions on how to run this code in the Github.

The page we will target for web scraping

Lets’ take a moment to look at the example web page that we will scrape: Now, if you use your web developer tools to inspect the DOM, you’ll see that there are three main sections to the page. There’s a HEADER element, a SECTION element, and a FOOTER element, and we will target those three sections later, in some of the code examples.

The request NPM module

One of our key tools is the request NPM module, which allows you to make an HTTP request and use the return value as you wish.

The cheerio NPM module

The cheerio NPM module provides a server-side jQuery implementation, and its functionality mirrors the most common tasks associated with jQuery. There isn’t a 1:1 method replication; that was not their goal. The key point is: you can parse HTML with JavaScript on the server-side.

Caching an entire web page – Example # 1

In Example # 1, we set some variables. The fs variable references the file system node module, which provides access to the local file system. We’ll need this to write files to disk. The request variable refers to the request node module, which we discussed earlier, and the cheerio variable refers to that cheerio node module that we also discussed. The pageUrl variable is the URL of the web page that we will scrape. Now, at the highest level, there are two things that happen in this code: we define a function named scrapePage, and then we execute that function. So, now, let’s take a look at what happens inside of this function.

First, we call the request function, passing it two arguments, the first of which is the URL of the request. The second argument is a callback function, which takes three arguments. The first argument is an error object, and this “error first” pattern is common in Node.js. The second argument is the response object, and the third argument is the contents of the request, which is HTML.

Inside of the request callback, we leverage the file-system module’s writeFile method. The first argument we pass is the full path of the file name, which tells the fs module what file to write. For the second argument we pass the responseHtml variable, which is the content that we want to write to the file; this is what was returned by the request function. The third argument is a callback function, which we are using to log a message indicating that the file write to disk was successful. When you run Example # 1, you should see a new file in the HTML folder: content.html. This file contains the entire contents of the web page that we make a request to.

Caching only a part of a web page – Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have an updated version of the scrapePage function, and for the sake of brevity, I have omitted the parts of the code that have not changed. The first change to the scrapePage function is the use of the cheerio.load method, and I assigned it to the $ variable. Now we can use the $ variable much the same way we would jQuery. We create the $header variable, which contains the HTML of the HTML header element. We then use the file-system module’s writeFile method to write the HTML header element to the file: header.html.

Now, when you run Example # 2, you should see another new file in the HTML folder called header.html, which contains the entire contents of the web page that we make a request to.

Example # 3

In Example # 3, we have updated the scrapePage function again, and the new code follows the same pattern as the one in Example # 2. The difference is that we have also scraped the content and footer sections, and in both cases, we’ve written the associated HTML file to disk. So, now, when you run Example # 3, you should see four files in the HTML folder, and they are entire-page.html, header.html, content.html and footer.html.


In this article, took a look at what is possible when scraping web pages. Now, even though we only scratched the surface, we did work in some high-level areas, focusing on making a request and then parsing the HTML of that request. We used the request module to make the HTTP request, and the cheerio module to parse the returned HTML. We also used the fs (file-system) module, in order to write our scraped HTML to disk.

My hope is that this article has opened up some new possibilities in your work, and has pointed you in the right direction for pulling this all off. So, happy web page scraping!