Making a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js – Part IV


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Setting the right value for the “Content-Type” header is a critical task for any web server

In Part III of this series, we built out our Node.js server to serve up any file that is requested, or gracefully return a 404 / “Not Found” header, as well as a custom HTML page informing the user that the requested file was not found. But the only problem is that we are not setting headers for each request. So, it’s important that HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image file, have the appropriate “Content-Type” header set.

In order to demonstrate all of this, we will include a CSS file and a JavaScript file in our web page. I won’t bother including the CSS file in an example; it’s just some silly CSS… nothing too interesting. But I will include the source of our JavaScript file in Example # 1, just so we can see that the second blue box in the web page is created via JavaScript.


Example # 1

Example # 1 simply shows the contents of the JavaScript file: “script.js” that we will request in our pages.

Example # 2

Example # 2 is the source code for index.html.

Example # 3

Example # 3 is the source code for about.html, a second web page that we can request from our Node.js web server.

Before we go any further, let’s take a  moment to discuss the folder structure. Just as in Part III of this series, the folder that our server.js file sits in has a sub-folder named “public”. This is where our assets will go. It is this “public” folder that the world will have access to and all requested files will be in there. See Figure # 1.

Folder structure
Figiure 1: The folder structure for this article’s example.

Example # 4

In Example # 4, we have a JavaScript object that contains a list of mime-types that we will support. Each of the object’s properties represents a file extension that we plan to support, and the corresponding value is the mime-type string that will be used for the “Content-Type” header.

Example # 5

In Example # 5, we have added a new line to the variable declarations for the requestHandler() function. The variable “ext” contains a string copy of the requested file’s extension (e.g. “.html” for a web page, “.js” for a JavaScript file, and so on). So we will use that string to check all properties of the “extensions” object from Example # 4. Don’t worry if you feel like you are getting lost; we’ll piece everything together nicely at the end. For now, just know that we have so far provided a hard-coded list of file extensions that we will allow, and the mime-type string values for each one, and we have the variable: “ext” that tells us what the file type is.

Example # 6

In Example # 6, we see if the extensions object has a property that matches the value of the “ext” variable. If not, we write a 404 header, and return a simple HTML page, informing the user that the requested file type is not supported.

Example # 7

In Example # 7, we add a new argument to the getFile() function call. We pass-in the value of the property in the extensions object that matches the file extension of the user’s request. In a nutshell, we are telling the getFile() function what type of mime-type to set in the response header.

Example # 8

In Example # 8, we have expanded the res.writeHead() function call. Where previously we only set the 200 / “OK” response code, we now set the “Content-Type” and “Content-Length” headers. The “Content-Type” property is mapped to the value of the mimeType variable, which was passed-in as an argument to the function. So the fruits of our labor in this article all become apparent in this example. The value of the mimeType variable will be set accordingly, for the file type.

Example # 9

Example # 9 is a complete code-listing for this article. In Figure # 2, we see the results of http://localhost:3000/index.html. So, as you can see, we are serving not only HTML, but also an image file, a CSS file and a JavaScript file. The JavaScript file dynamically creates the blue box you see on page load (simply to demonstrate that our JavaScript file is served correctly from our Node.js web server, and works).

index.html page
Figure # 2: Our index.html page.

In Figure # 3, we see that our “about.html” page works, and also pulls in the CSS and JavaScript files with no problems.

Figure # 3: about.html

In Figure # 4, we inspect the JavaScript file call in the “net” tab of FireBug and can see that the “Content-Type” header is set accordingly.

The FireBug
Figure # 4: Inspecting the call to script.js in FireBug’s “net” panel


In this article we learned how to set the appropriate “Content-Type” header for each request, based on the file extension of the requested file. We demonstrated how to use the extname() method of the path module, to return the extension of the requested file. We also applied some logic, to handle scenarios in which the requested file-type is not supported.

Helpful Links for the Node.js path module

Helpful Links for HTTP header fields

Helpful Links for mime-types

Making a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js – Part III


Node.js LogoIn Part II of this series: Making a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js – Part II we learned how to use the “path” and “file system” modules. By leveraging these Node.js modules, we were able to read the path of the HTTP request that our server received, and read from the file system of the web server. We also learned about the “__dirname” keyword, which provides an abstract reference to the folder in which the currently executing JavaScript file exists.

That version of our HTTP server simply checked to see if the request was for the file “index.html”, and if so, served it up. That was progress over Part I, but still not robust enough.

In this article, we will expand our Node.js HTTP server so that the following services are provided:

  • If an asset is requested, and it exists, it will be returned
  • If an asset is not specified, then “index.html” will be returned
  • If an asset is requested, and it does not exist, our custom 404.html page will be returned

We will make every effort to keep our three-step paradigm, which will, we hope, continue to illustrate that creating an HTTP web server with Node.js is at its core, quite simple. What we have to take a closer look at, is the fact that, as we ask more of our little web server, we have to roll up our sleeves and write the code that provides that very functionality.

So the good news is: It’s just more JavaScript. Yay!

Example # 1

In Example #1, we have the three-step core of our HTTP web server. We have already discussed each step in detail, so let’s just quickly re-cap:

Step # 1: Use the require() method to gain access to the Node.js modules that we need
Step # 2: Use the createServer() method of the HTTP module, and pass it a reference to our “requestHandler” function
Step # 3: Listen for a request on port # 3000

Simple, simple, simple.

Next, let’s look at two functions: our updated requestHandler() function, and then our new getFile() function.

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we first look at the request, and if no file was requested (i.e. the user simply typed into their browser), then we prepare to serve up “index.html”.

As we learned in Part II, the __dirname keyword provides an abstract reference to the folder in which the currently executing JavaScript file resides. We then create a variable named “page404”, which will provide a reference to our custom “404 / Not Found” page, should we need it.

Now we have everything we need, so we call the getFile() function, passing it the path and name of the asset we want (i.d. index.html), the response object, and then the reference to our custom 404 page.

Example # 3

In Example # 3, there are some new things happening. First, we use the exists() method of the file system object that was returned by the “fs” module, and assigned to our variable: “fs”. This method takes two arguments: a path to the file, and an anonymous function. That anonymous function takes one argument: “exists” (call it whatever you like). That single argument provides a helpful “truthy/falsy” flag against which we can test.

Folder Structure
The folder structure of this article’s example code

So if you take a moment to think about this, you’ll find that it’s quite cool: baked into the Node.js “fs” module is a method that simply tells us whether or not a named file exists. This is a perfect example of the brilliance of Node.js modules. Imagine how much heavy lifting you’d have to do if you needed to provide this kind of implementation yourself. Fortunately, someone did it for you. And that module can be used over and over again… a zillion more times if you like.

So moving along, if the “exists” argument returns a “truthy” value, we use the fs.readFile() method to literally read the physical file from the local file system. We have a little error checking to make sure that the file read operation did not fail, and if it did not fail, we send the contents of that file back to the user.

If the requested file was not found (i.e. the “exists()” method told us that the named file does not exist), then we serve up the custom 404.html file that we still have a reference to.

Example # 4

Example # 4 simply puts all our code examples together, to provide some context.


In this article we expanded our simple Node.js HTTP web server. We leveraged the exists() method of the “fs” (file system) object, to determine if the requested file actually exists, and provided logic that handles cases in which the requested file does not exist.

Helpful Links for the Node.js path and fs Modules

Book Review: Instant Dependency Management with RequireJS How-to

Asynchronous Module Definition
Instant Dependency Management with RequireJS How-to
Instant Dependency Management with RequireJS How-to from Packt Publishing

Greg Franko’s book, Instant Dependency Management with RequireJS How-to, from Packt Publishing, strives to cut through the clutter and introduce you to AMD through Require.js

Asynchronous Module Definition is a term that can be intimidating. Even worse, it can potentially discourage JavaScript programmers from learning about and implementing the AMD API.  Fortunately, this book can be helpful.

The initial areas of discussion. are what you might expect: learning how to load Require.js both synchronously and asynchronously, as well as setting Require.js configuration values. But what becomes apparent is that implementing AMD patterns does not mean having to abandon the tools you use. Mr. Franko does a nice job of illustrating how jQuery can be exposed in your pages as an AMD module, as well as Jasmine unit tests and client-side JavaScript templating. All of this is accomplished by leveraging Require.js. A logical extension of this journey is a discussion of JavaScript libraries that do not expose themselves as AMD modules such as Backbone.js and jQueryUI Widget Factory. In these cases, a thorough explanation details how to work around this challenge, and keep tight control of your JavaScript resources. There is also helpful content here for mobile web developers.

Instant Dependency Management with RequireJS How-to may not be the definitive “go-to” resource for those who are completely new to the concept of AMD or Require.js. While key concepts are well served, this book’s strength is its ability to broaden one’s perspective with regards to what Require.js is capable of. By illustrating jQuery’s ability to be exposed as an AMD module, the power and flexibility of Require.js becomes increasingly apparent.

I would recommend this book for JavaScript developers who are already familiar with the concept of asynchronous module definition and understand in general how Require.js works. For this audience, Mr Franko’s direction will deliver a great deal of value with regards to the numerous architectural solutions that are detailed. In each case it is easy to see that Reqiure.js is more than simply a sophisticated script loader. This library exposes a number of properties and methods that help you to leverage AMD as broadly as possible, even when some of the libraries in use are not AMD compliant.

Instant Dependency Management with RequireJS How-to is available in paperback, or eBook format.

  • Author: Greg Franko
  • File Size: 100 KB
  • Print Length: 42 pages
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing
  • Publish Date: May 22, 2013
  • Language: English

Making a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js – Part II


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OK, enough “Hello World!” Let’s serve up an HTML file, dagnabbit.

In Part I of this series: “Making a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js – Part I“, we learned the bare-bones steps needed to create an HTTP server with Node.js. While it was fun to see our text message make its way from our server-side JavaScript file, at the end of the day we sent a hard-coded text message. Not too sexy.

In this article, we will invite the user to type “index.html” into their browser window and prepare to be amazed. Ok, the user has to be on your local DEV machine, and type “http://localhost:3000/index.html”, but we have to start somewhere, right?

Example # 1

There are a few new things happening in Example # 1, when compared to the examples from Part I of this series. The biggest change is that we’ve expanded “Step # 1” and are requiring two new Node.js modules: “path” and “fs”.

The “path” module provides a number of methods that help you to examine and parse file paths. The “fs” module is short for “File System”. This module provides access to the file system. So here is where the fun stuff starts: Writing JavaScript that has access to the local file system? Yep. You bet. We have not even begun to scratch the surface of what is possible.

Next, our helper function has grown a bit as well. We use the basename() method of the path module to return the name of the file that was requested by the user (i.e. index.html). We then leverage the “__dirname” keyword, which provides a quick and easy handle to the folder that your server-side JavaScript file resides in.

After that, we check to see if the user has requested “index.html”, and if so we will return it. The fs.fileRead() method takes two arguments: a path to the physical file that we want to return to the user, and an anonymous function. That anonymous function takes two arguments: an error object, and the content of the file that is to be returned. So just to play it safe, we check to see if there is an error: if ( !err ). If there is none, then we use the res.end() method to return the contents of index.html and then close the request. If there was an error, for now we are piping it to the console for our own troubleshooting.

If none of that worked out, then we set a “404 / Not Found” header, and send some markup back, letting the user know. Step # 2 and Step # 3 haven’t changed since our last article: Create the server, and then listen for a request.


That was a lot, but our Node.js HTTP server has grown up quite a bit. Instead of just sending back a plain text message or some hard-coded HTML, we are now serving up an actual HTML file. We could change that file any time, which would change what the user sees in the browser. It’s not exactly Facebook, but hey, we are creating an HTTP web server using nothing but JavaScript!

For Part III, we will smarten things up and enhance our server so that it will serve up any static content that is requested.


In this article we learned how to use the “path” and “file system” Node.js modules. By leveraging the modules, we were able to read the path of the HTTP request, and read from the file system. We also learned about the “__dirname” keyword.

Helpful Links for the Node.js path and fs Modules

Making a Simple HTTP Server with Node.js – Part I


Node.js LogoThe beauty of creating an HTTP server with Node.js is that you are doing so using a language that you already know: JavaScript.

If you work with JavaScript, then you’ve probably heard about Node.js. What makes Node.js such an amazing technology is that it turns web-development on its head: a historically client-side language is now being used as a server-side language. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how insanely cool this is.

When I first started looking at Node.js, my first question was: “Ok, server-side JavaScript. Got it. So what the heck can I do with it?”

Short answer: A lot.

Probably the most obvious and easiest to comprehend application for Node.js is to make a web server. Node handles all the low-level ugliness and let’s you just write code. The code you write is not too much different than the client-side JavaScript that you are used to. The biggest differences come in when you start to realize that you have access to the file system. You can do things with Node that are completely off-limits on the client side. When it comes to creating a simple HTTP server, the amount of code you need to write for proof of concept is amazingly minimal. The examples that follow are very basic. They don’t offer any real-world usefulness, but they do illustrate the small amount of effort needed to get up and running. In Part II of this series, we will look at more realistic HTTP server code for Node.js.

Example # 1 A

In Example # 1, we have the absolute bare minimum needed to set up an HTTP web server using Node.js. The very first line tells Node.js that we need to use the “http” module. Using Node’s “require” method, we assign the return value of the “HTTP” module to the variable “http”. This was Step # 1.

(A detailed discussion of the require() method is beyond the scope of this article, but a topic that plays an important role in Node.js. If you are not familiar with the Modules/AsynchronousDefinition proposal from Common.js, I highly recommend reading up on that topic. For any client or server-side JavaScript developer, it’s a biggie.)

The only part that might seem a bit confusing to some is the callback that is passed into the createServer() method. This callback is executed each time the server receives an HTTP request.

For Step # 2, we call the createServer() method of the http object. We pass that method an anonymous function which takes two arguments: the request object and the response object. Inside of that anonymous function, we use the writeHead() method of the response object, to set the server’s response of “200 ok” to the client’s browser, and set the header of “Content-type” to “text/plain”. Next, we call the end() method of the response object. The end() method closes the response to the client. It can also send output to the client. We pass in a string as an argument in this example, and that string is sent to the client’s browser.

For Step # 3, we call the listen() method on the return value of the createServer() method. We pass in “3000”, which tells Node.js to listen on port # 3000.

If you run this code in Node.js, and then in your browser, “type localhost:3000”, you will see the following in your browser: “Your node.js server is running on localhost:3000.”

Whew! The explanation for Example # 1A took much longer to write than the actual code!

As you can see, it’s pretty easy to create an HTTP server with Node.js. In my opinion, the only part that might seem a bit confusing to some is the callback that is passed into the createServer() method. This callback is executed each time the server receives an HTTP request. It might make things easier to understand if we move the guts of that callback to its own function, and then pass that function declaration as the callback to the createServer() method.

Example # 1 B

In Example # 1B, we create a function declaration named requestHandler. Then we pass that function as the sole argument to the createServer() method. I believe that if you are new to Node.js, you’ll find it is easier to see what is going on, because the createServer() method is all on one line.

Example # 1 C

In Example # 1C, we’ve refactored our code to make things even simpler. First, our helper function processes the HTTP request, then Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3. Bing, Bang, Boom. Simple stuff.

Example # 2 A


In Example # 2A, we’ve upgraded our message to the client’s browser to include some HTML. After all, HTML is what we will really want to serve, right? The only problem is that Node is not parsing the HTML. When you run this example in your browser, you see the HTML tags in the response. That is not what we want. What is happening?

The problem is in the header that we are setting with the res.writeHead() method call. The value of the “Content-Type” header is “text/plain”. So, Node just passes all the text along as… well, plain old text.

Example # 2 B

In Example # 2B, we have changed the value of the “Content-Type” header to “text/html”. If you run this example in your browser, you will see that Node sends the string as HTML, so our H1 and UL elements are rendering as they should in the browser.

Example # 3

In Example # 3, we take things a bit further. Up until now, we have been using the res.end() method to do two things: send some text or HTML to the client’s browser, and then close the response. In this example, we use the res.write() method to send our HTML to the client’s browser, and the end() method is used only to close the request.

We’ve also introduced some logic into our code. While what this example accomplishes is very little, and has virtually no real-world value, it demonstrates that while we have created an HTTP server, we have done so with JavaScript, and we already know the JavaScript language. So, we can do something like create a for/loop block, and use that loop to provide some dynamic HTML output. Again, this “dynamic” aspect of our code is not very impressive, but I think you get the point: it’s just JavaScript, so the sky’s the limit.


In this article, we learned how to create a simple HTTP server using Node.JS. We covered the three most basic steps needed, which include requiring the HTTP module, calling the createServer() method, and then telling the server to listen for an HTTP request. Finally, we learned how the server executes a callback function for each HTTP request it receives, and the most basic things that need to happen inside of that callback.

Helpful Links for creating a simple Node.js HTTP Server

Getting Started with Require.js – Part III

Asynchronous Module Definition

Require.js LogoLearn How to Build a Social Media Plugin, Using Require.js and the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) Pattern

In Getting Started with Require.js – Part II, we took a closer look at the way the Require.js JavaScript library works. We created modules that depended on other modules, and learned how the return value of a module can be used to expose functionality to the outside world.

In Part III of this series, we will use Require.JS to build a social media plugin. We’ll leverage the concepts and techniques used in Part II to create reusable front-end code that has real-world usefulness. You’ll be able to take the code from the completed working example, copy it, tweak it, and use it for your own web page.

Since we have discussed a great deal of Require.js implementation details, I’ll keep the discussion on a high level here. You can drill down into the code for a completed working example and review all of the nitty-gritty details if you like. The focus of this article is to provide an example that demonstrates how Require.js can be put to use in a real-world context.

Before we dive into the code, it might help to see the full working example for this article:

NOTE: For most of the examples, I will provide a link to the actual module file. I don’t think there is much point in repeating that same code here in the article. You can simply view it in your browser.

Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have the markup for our web page. You’ll notice that I have removed the CSS in the head and most of the content in the body. This is only to keep the code example short. Otherwise, it is identical to the working example.

In this example, after including require.js, we use the require() function. The first argument is social-menu.js. This is the only dependency for the JavaScript code in the page. In the anonymous function that is the second argument to the require() function, we reference social-menu.js as “menu”. We then call the init() method of the variable “menu”, which is an object. We know this because as we will see shortly, the return value of the module social-menu.js is an object with a method named init(). We pass an array to meunu.init(). This array contains strings that identify the social media icons we want to include in our plugin. Next, we will take a closer look at the module: social-menu.js.


This module has one dependency: social-markup.js. Inside of our module, social-markup.js is referred to as “socialMarkup”. Inside of the init() method, we instantiate the socialMarkup() constructor. We then use the getLinks() method of the socialMarkup() object. When past the appropriate array, the getLinks() method will return a DOM object that only needs be appended to the DOM, which we do on the very next line.

The beauty of this Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) pattern is that as we step through the code, the implementation details of each dependency is abstracted away by the module that we depend on. We simply “need” that module, Require.js loads it asynchronously for us, and then we use it. This makes it easier to follow and understand code that you did not write. As you follow the dependency chain, digging deeper into the code, you can see more implementation details (if you choose to do so).


If you look towards the bottom of this module, you’ll see that it returns a function. That function is meant to be used as a constructor. The line “this.getLinks = function(arr){…” indicates that when instantiated, the resulting object will have a method named “getLinks()”. The private variables “makeAnchor”, “addTitle”, “addClickHandler” and “makeImage” are all helper functions that handle the implementation work needed to create the DOM object that this module returns. Lastly, notice that this module’s sole dependency is “social-icons.js”, which contains the data we need to construct the actual social media icons and event handlers.


This module has no dependencies. It returns an object whose properties are all objects containing data for each social media type. Each of those individually named objects has the following properties:

  • Image: A data URI that provides an image, so that we don’t need to reference external resources.
  • Title: What users see when they hover over the icon.
  • Handler: A function that will be the click-event handler for that social media icon.

Now that we have taken a high-level view of the code, re-visit the full working example for this article:

In the full working example, you’ll notice that each social media icon allows you to share the page (e.g., “tweet” “pin”, “facebook post”, etc…). These actions are determined by the click event handler that we specified for each icon in the module: social-icons.js. The images for icons themselves are provided by the data URL for each social media type (once again in “social-icons.js”), as well as the title that you see when you hover the mouse over that icon.


In this article, we put to use, in a real-world context, the concepts and techniques that we learned in Part I and Part II. We created a social media plugin that actually works. I hope you have enjoyed this series. Require.js is a powerful and helpful JavaScript library that helps you to create loosely-coupled, modular, reusable code.

Helpful Links for Require.js and Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)


Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

Getting Started with Require.js – Part II

Asynchronous Module Definition

Require.js LogoStep beyond the basics, and learn how Require.js modules can return various kind of values, depend on other modules, and keep those dependencies transparent to the outside world

In Getting Started with Require.js Part I, we got to know the Require.js JavaScript library. We learned about the basics of the define() and require() methods, and how they load dependencies asynchronously and then provide access to the return value of each one.

In Part II of this series, we will use Require.JS to build a little application that displays the daily specials for a restaurant. It’s a silly little example, but perfect for taking our discussion of Require.js to the next step.

The focus of this article is to demonstrate how one module can depend on one or more modules, and each of them can have similar dependencies. The beauty of this approach is that when one module depends on another, it has no knowledge of, nor does it care about how many dependencies the module it needs may have. So for example:

index.html -> needs module-A
Module-A -> needs Module-B
Module-B -> needs Module-C and Module-D
Module-D – > needs Module-E

The beauty of this approach is that our web page index.html only cares about module-A. It has no idea that Module-A in turn needs Module-B. And so on. This approach encourages you to write code modules that are reusable, and less tightly coupled.

Before we dive into the code, it might help to see the full working example for this article:

NOTE: for most of the examples, I will provide a link to the actual module file. I don’t think there is much point in repeating that same code here in the article. You can simply view it in your browser.

Example # 1


In Example # 1, we see the data that is used for this example. What is nice about the module pattern used here is that whenever this data needs to change, we only have to make that change in this one small file. The rest of the files that depend on this module have no knowledge of that, nor do they care. As long as the data is structured the way they expect, they don’t need to know about any changes to this module.

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have the full source code for our web page. If you look at the require() statement, you’ll see that we have two modules as dependencies: css.js and menuMaker.js. Let’s follow the dependency tree, see what each module does, and then circle back to review the JavaScript in this page that responds to the button clicks. css.js This module simply injects a STYLE tag into the DOM. This is the CSS that makes the page look the way it does. Pretty simple stuff. menuMaker.js

This module returns an object literal. That object has three properties. Each property is a DOM element: an unordered list (UL). None of these DOM elements exist in the page (yet) when they are returned, but they are valid unordered lists, waiting to be injected into the page. This module has two dependencies: weekParser.js and makeList.js. Inside of the anonymous function that wraps our module, they are referred to as: “weekTool” and “makeList.” We could have just as well called them “Sally” and “Sue”. It doesn’t matter. “weekTool” and “makeList.” are the variable names we chose. If you look at the object literal that is returned by menuMaker.js, you’ll see that we use “weekTool” and “makeList.” to create the object’s property values. weekParser.js

This module has the dependencies: ‘menuData’,’getDayType’. menuData is the array that contains our actual menu data. getDayType.js returns a sub-set of the ‘menuData’ array, depending on whether “weekday”, “weekend” is passed-in. getDayType.js

This module takes two arguments: the type of day (i.e. weekday or weekend), and the data array that contains the entire menu. Based on the type that was passed-in, it returns a sub-set of the array that contains only the days of type specified. makeList.js

This module is unique amongst the modules we have reviewed so far in that it has no dependencies. It returns a function that takes one argument: an array. That array should contain the day objects that we want to turn into an unordered list. For each element in that array, it creates an LI element, puts the “Day” and “Menu” values into that LI, and then returns an unordered list (UL). Example # 3

In Example # 3, we circle back to our web page. This code does a quick check to make sure that the addEventListener() method is supported, and then gets to work setting up click event handlers for each of the three buttons at top.

Notice that in each case, menu.getFullWeek is the only reference to functionality provided by one of our modules. A simple call to a property of that module’s return value kicks off the dependency chain that we discussed above, but this web page neither knows nor cares about all that. It only knows that it required a file named “menuMaker.js”, it refers to its return value as “menu” and it wants the value of menu.getFullWeek (or menu.weekendMenu, etc…). The menuMaker.js module provides that functionality, and any other modules that it depends on in order to provide that functionality, are only of concern to menuMaker.js.


In this article, we created a web page that allows the user to view the weekday, weekend or full week specials for a restaurant. We demonstrated how modules can have dependencies on other modules, and that dependency chain can grow and become complex. The key takeaway here is that while this scenario may seem to be a one-way ticket to spaghetti code, it is quite the opposite; by following the Asynchronous Module Definition pattern, each one of our modules provides clear and distinct functionality. A module may depend on other modules, but it neither knows nor cares about the dependency chain that may exist with the modules that it depends on.

There is plenty more to discover with Require.js. But I hope this article has provided a helpful introduction to the library and the benefits of Asynchronous Module Definition patterns, beyond the basics.

Once again, here is the full working example for this article:

Helpful Links for Require.js and Asynchronous Module Definition


Asynchronous Module Definition

Getting Started with Require.js – Part I

Asynchronous Module Definition

Require.js LogoLearn how to decouple your code and organize it into reusable modules

Require.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to organize your code into separate modules. It follows the Asynchronous Module Definition API. Each module is an individual JavaScript file. You may, at first, bristle at this pattern because it forces you to rethink the way you organize your JavaScript. But while it may be a bit of an acquired taste, this approach encourages you to write code that is less coupled and easier to reuse.

The two methods that you will likely use the most are require() and define(). In both cases, you specify zero or more modules that your module “depends” on. When you do so, those modules will be loaded asynchronously. These dependencies are specified by a string which is a path to that JavaScript file. These strings must be in an array even if there is only one.

Following the array is an anonymous function. That function takes each dependency as an argument. What you do inside of that function is up to you. Just keep in mind that this function’s return value is what the outside world will “see” when they require your module.

Example # 1 A

Example # 1 B

Example # 1 A shows the code for our first module. It is a single JavaScript file named module-1.js. In that file, we execute the define() function. The define function takes a single argument, which is an anonymous function. In that function, we simply output some text to the console. Our module doesn’t do too much, but we’re keeping it simple for demonstration purposes.

In Example # 1B, we have the code for our web page. At the bottom of the page, we first pull in require.js. Then we execute the require() function. The first argument that it receives is an array. In this case, that array has only one element: “module-1”. That tells require: “hey, there is a file named ‘module-1.js’; load it asynchronously, and when that script has completed loading, run the following anonymous function.” In this example, the anonymous function has no code, so it does nothing.

Example # 2

In example # 2, we output some text to the console in the anonymous function. That console.log() call will only fire after module-1.js has loaded. This is where we start to see the brilliance of Require.js: you can have another module as a dependency, and your code will only execute once that dependency has loaded successfully.

Example # 3 A

Example # 3 B

In Examples # 3A and 3B, we see that we now have two modules. In each case, we output some text to the console, just to show that the module executes, and then each module returns a string.

Example # 3 C

In example # 3C, we pass an array with two elements as the first argument to the require() function: “module-1” and ,”module-2”. The anonymous function that is the second argument receives the return value of each member of that array. We can name these whatever we want. I used “mod1” and “mod2”, but I could just as well have named them “sally” and “sam”. It doesn’t matter; they are simply identifiers for the return value of each dependency. We demonstrate all of this by outputting the return value of each module to the console.

The working example for this article can be found here:


In this article, we were introduced to Require.js. We learned about how this JavaScript library allows you to organize your code into individual JavaScript files called “modules”. We learned about the define() and require() functions, their signatures, and how they are used in order to asynchronously load dependencies and create references to their return values.

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