JavaScript Object Inspection with Object.getOwnPropertyNames


JavaScript LogoWhen you need to get all of the names of an object’s properties as an array of strings, the Object.getOwnPropertyNames method is an excellent tool

In the article: “The JavaScript for…in statement – enumerating object properties,” I discussed the for-in statement as the “go-to” tool for object enumeration. I’m a big fan of that feature and feel it is worth its weight in gold. But I’d be remiss if I did not mention Object.getOwnPropertyNames.

The getOwnPropertyNames method of the “Object” object differs from the for-in statement in two ways: It returns an array, and the elements of that array are strings. These strings are the property names of the specified object.

Example # 1 A

Example # 1 B

In Example # 1 A, we create the object: “userObject”. Then using the Object.getOwnPropertyNames method, we inspect it. Example # 1B accomplishes the same thing, but the results are significantly different because we inspect the window object, and there are literally hundreds of properties. In each case though, the return value of the Object.getOwnPropertyNames method is an array. The array elements are strings that contain the names of each property contained in that object. But what if we want to get the value of each property?

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we use the jQuery.each method to enumerate the elements of the array returned by the Object.getOwnPropertyNames method. Inside the callback, we output not only the name of the property, but the value of that property. The key here is that we use the following syntax: userObject[val]. Since we know the name of the property, we can use bracket notation to get its value (e.g. object[propertyName] ).


The Object.getOwnPropertyNames method may not always be the right tool for the job. Some may say that the for-in statement is more than sufficient for object enumeration and, often, that may very well be the case. But if you ever need to get all of the names of an object’s properties as an array of strings, the Object.getOwnPropertyNames method is an excellent tool.

Helpful Links for Object.getOwnPropertyNames

The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: jQuery Click Handlers


JavaScript LogoLearn the difference between $(this) and “this” inside of your jQuery event handler.

In two previous posts, we learned that functions that are properties of an object are called “methods” (The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: Nested Methods & The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: An Overview). In this case, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the object that the method belongs to. Well, of course, this is usually pretty obvious from looking at the code.

But in an event handler, it may not be apparent to all that the JavaScript “this” keyword, is available to you inside of the event handler, and that it refers to the element that generated the event. Since many front-end developers are comfortable with jQuery, I thought I’d start with jQuery event handlers. And since click events are so common, let’s stick with that.

Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have created a click event handler using jQuery. When the user clicks the anchor tag inside of the element with the class: “download”, the jQuery “toggleClas” method is used to change the text “Click Me” fom red to blue.

Of course, many have seen $(this) used inside of the event handler to set a reference to the element that was clicked. It is helpful to know, however, that $(this) is an enhanced version of the JavaScript “this” keyword. That is to say: inside of the click event handler, “this” refers to the element that was clicked. When you put “this” inside of: $( ), you “wrap” the JavaScript “this” keyword with jQuery, which adds a number of properties and methods.

As a result of this “wrapping”, you can set a reference to the element that was clicked, but you can also leverage the power of jQuery. The native JavaScript HTML element does not have a “toggleClass” method, but jQuery does. So, by wrapping the JavaScript “this” keyword with jQuery, $(this) has allowed you to reference the clicked element, and use jQuery methods.


How to Demo: Click the text that says: “Click Me”. Each time you click that element, the text color will toggle between red and blue.

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have changed the reference to the clicked element from $(this) to “this”. But when you click that element, there is an error in the JavaScript console. In Google Chrome, the error is: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object HTMLAnchorElement] has no method ‘toggleClass’, and in FireFox, the error is: TypeError: this.toggleClass is not a function. The reason for this error is that while the JavaScript “this” keyword can be used to reference the element that was clicked, it does not have a “toggleClass” method. So, an error occurs.


How to Demo: Open up your JavaScript console, and then click the text that says: “Click Me”. When you do, you will see an error indicating that the element you clicked does not have a “toggleClass” method.

Example # 3

So, in Example # 3, we continue to reference the element that was clicked by using the JavaScript “this” keyword, without the jQuery “wrapping”. That is: we are not using: $(this). The reason that the example now works, is because we are using the “classList” property of the element, and in-turn, the “contains”, “remove” and “add” methods. Consequently, this allows us to mimic jQuery’s “toggleClass” method.

It’s important to note that although we used jQuery to create the click handler, we can still use the JavaScript “this: keyword inside of that event handler, and access the native JavaScript element object.


How to Demo: Click the text that says: “Click Me”. Each time you click that element, the text color will toggle between red and blue.


In this article, we learned about the JavaScript “this” keyword when used inside of a jQuery event handler. We learned that we can “wrap” that keyword with jQuery, leveraging that library’s DOM manipulation methods. We also discussed how inside of a jQuery event handler, we can still use the “un-wrapped” version of “this”, and leverage native JavaScript DOM manipulation methods.

The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: Constructor Functions


JavaScript LogoLearn how the JavaScript “this” keyword differs when instantiating a constructor (as opposed to executing the function).

In earlier articles of the “The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive” series, we discussed how the meaning of “this” differs in various scenarios. In this article, we will focus on JavaScript constructors. It is critical to keep in mind that in JavaScript, constructor functions act like classes. They allow you to define an object that could exist. The constructor itself is not yet an object. When we instantiate that constructor, the return value of the instantiation will be an object, and in that object, “this” refers to the instance object itself.

So, inside of a constructor function, the JavaScript keyword refers to the object that will be created when that constructor is instantiated.

Example # 1

In Example #1, you’ll see that we have created two new properties of the window object: “music” and “getMusic”. The “window.getMusic” method returns the value of, but it does so by referencing: “”. Since the “window.getMusic” method is executed in the global context, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object, which is why window.getMusic returns “classical”.

When you instantiate a JavaScript constructor function, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the instance of the constructor.

We’ve also created a constructor function named “Foo”. When we instantiate Foo, we assign that instantiation to the variable: “bar”. In other words, the variable “bar” becomes an instance of “Foo”. This is a very important point.

When you instantiate a JavaScript constructor function, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the instance of the constructor. If you remember from previous articles, constructor functions act like classes, allowing you to define a “blueprint” object, and then create “instances” of that “class”. The “instances” are JavaScript objects, but they differ from object literals in a few ways.

For an in-depth discussion of the difference between an object literal and an instance object, see the article: “What is the difference between an Object Literal and an Instance Object in JavaScript? | Kevin Chisholm – Blog”.

Earlier on, we established that inside a function that is not a method, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object. If you truly want to understand constructor functions, it is important to remember how the JavaScript “this” keyword differs inside that constructor. When you look at the code, it seems as if “this” will refer to the window object. If we were to simply execute Foo as if it were a normal function, this would be true (and we will discuss this scenario in Example # 3). But we don’t simply execute Foo; we instantiate it: var bar = new Foo().

When you instantiate a JavaScript constructor function, an object is returned. The JavaScript “this” keyword has a special meaning inside of that object: it refers to itself. In other words, when you create your constructor function, you can use the “this” keyword to reference the object that WILL be created when the constructor is instantiated.

So, in Example # 1, the getMusic method returns “”. Since the “music” property of Foo is: “jazz”, then the getMethod returns “jazz”. When we instantiate Foo, the variable “bar” becomes an instance of Foo, so bar.getMusic() returns “jazz”.


Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have changed Foo’s “GetMusic” method. Instead of returning “”, it returns an executed function. While at first glance, it may seem as though the “getMusic” method will return “jazz”, the link demonstrates that this is not the case.

Inside of the “getMusic” method, we have defined a variable that is equal to an anonymous function: “myFunction”. Here is where things get a bit tricky: “myFunction” is not a method. So, inside that function, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object. As a result, that function returns “classical” because inside of “myFunction”, is the same thing as, and is “classical”.


Example # 3

In Example # 3, we have an example of a scenario that you don’t want: executing a JavaScript constructor function instead of instantiating it. Hopefully, this is a mistake that you will catch quickly, but it can happen. It is also possible that you might inherit code that contains such a bug. Either way, this is bad.

While the Foo constructor still has a “getMusic” method, because we execute Foo, instead of instantiating it, the code inside of Foo overwrites two properties that we created earlier: and window.getMusic. As a result, when we output the value of “this.getMusic()”, we get “jazz”, because when we executed Foo, we overwrote, changing it from “classical” to “jazz”.

While this is a pattern that you want to be sure to avoid in your code, it is important that you be able to spot it. This kind of bug can leave you pulling your hair out for hours.



In this article we learned how the JavaScript “this” keyword behaves in a constructor function. We learned about instantiating a constructor and the relationship between “this” and the instance object. We also discussed a couple of scenarios that are important to understand with regards to “this” and constructor functions.

The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: Nested Methods


JavaScript LogoDepending on the scenario, the JavaScript “this” keyword may refer to the object of which the method is a property, or the window object.

In an earlier article: The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: Nested Functions, we learned how functions that are not methods evaluate “this” to the window object. In that post, we demonstrated that no matter how deeply you nest functions, this behavior is always the same. In this article, we will learn how the JavaScript “this” keyword behaves in nested methods.

So, here, it might be a good idea to quickly answer the question: “What is a nested-method”?

A method is a function that is a property of an object. A nested method occurs when a method, in turn, returns an executed method.

The reason that this scenario is an important one to consider is that while you may execute method A, if that method returns the executed method of object B, then inside of that second method, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to object B (not object A).

Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have added a property to the window object named “music”, and set the value to: “classical”. We have also added a method to the window object named “getMusic”, which returns the value of But, notice that instead of referencing, the method returns: The reason that works is that since the method is a property of the window object, “this” refers to the window object. This means that is the same thing as, and the value of that property is: “classical”.

We have also created an object named “foo”, and it has the exact same-named properties we specified above, and the “getMusic” method has the exact same code: return But foo’s “getMusic” method returns “jazz”, because = “jazz”, which means that inside of foo’s “getMusic” method, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the foo object, and is “jazz”.


Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have created an object named: “foo”, which has a method named: “getMusic”. The getMusic method returns an object with two properties: “music”, which is equal to “rock”, and “getMusic” which returns this object’s “music” property.

When we pass the output of foo.getMusic() to the console, we see that is: “rock”, and now “Jazz”. The reason for this is that foo’s getMusic method ignores foo’s music property. That is, it returns an object, and that object’s getMusic method returns its own “music” property. In this scenario, we have nested a method: foo.getMusic, that returns the executed method of another object. The reason for this example is to demonstrate the fact that even though foo.getMusic returns a nested method, when the nested method utilizes the JavaScript “this” keyword, it refers to the object that it is a property of, not foo.


Example # 3

So, in Example # 3, we take the exact same approach as Example # 2, providing an additional level of method-nesting. As you might expect, the innermost method returns “metal”, the value of the “music” property to which the getMusic method belongs.


Example # 4

Example # 4 is somewhat similar to Example # 3, except that the nesting is logical, not physical: each getMusic method, in turn, calls the getMusic method of a different object. The end result is the same as Example # 3: “metal”. But instead of one method returning an anonymous object whose getMusic method is executed, each of the getMusic method calls here return the execution of another named-object’s “getMusic” method.

It is also important to note that the first console.log call: this.getMusic returns “classical”, because the window.getMusic method is a property of the window object. But, each of the other objects (i.e. “rockObject” and “metalObject”) have its own “music” properties, so when the “metalObject.getMusic” is called, it returns the value of metalObject’s “music” property, which is “metal”.



In this article we discussed how the JavaScript “this” keyword behaves inside of nested methods. We learned what a nested method is. And we also learned how, in this scenario, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the object of which the method is a property, not the window object.

The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: Nested Functions


JavaScript LogoLearn how the JavaScript “this” keyword behaves inside of function declarations and expressions, even when nested 10 levels deep.

In the article: The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: An Overview, we discussed a number of scenarios in which the JavaScript “this” Keyword has different meanings. In this article, we will concentrate on functions and methods.

It’s important to note that methods are functions. What makes a method a method is that the consumer of the code specifies an object, and then calls a method of that object.

Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have executed a function and a method. We have actually executed two functions, but the second function: “someMethod” is actually a method of the “bar” object. We know this because we have used the syntax: object.method().

It’s important to understand the difference between executing a function and a method.

Example # 2

foo = function (){ return; }; console.log(; //’classical’ (global) console.log(foo()); //’classical’ (global)


In Example # 2, we have executed the function “foo”, which returns the value of “”: “classical”. Both console.log statements return the value: “classical”, because since we are not inside of a method, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object, and at the top of the code, you’ll see that is equal to “classical”.

Example # 3

foo = function (){ function bar(){ function baz(){ function bif(){ return; } return bif(); } return baz(); } return bar(); }; console.log(; //’classical’ (global) console.log(foo()); //’classical’ (global)


In Example # 3, things get a bit silly, but the effect is the same. Even inside of nested functions, because none of these functions are methods, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object. And “” is the same as “”, which is equal to “classical”.

Example # 4

foo = function (){ function bar(){ function baz(){ function bif(){ function billy(){ function bobby(){ function betty(){ function jetty(){ function jimmy(){ function judy(){ return; } return judy(); } return jimmy(); } return jetty(); } return betty(); } return bobby(); } return billy(); } return bif(); } return baz(); } return bar(); }; console.log(; //’classical’ (global) console.log(foo()); //’classical’ (global)

In Example # 4, the function-nesting concept is taken to a ridiculous level. Nonetheless, the output is exactly the same: “” is the same as “”, which is equal to “classical”. It does not matter how deeply a function is nested. Unless it is a method of an object, the JavaScript “this” keyword will always refer to the window object.



In this article we learned that when a function is not specified as a method of an object, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object. This is true even in the case of nested functions. In fact, no matter how many levels deep we nest functions, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object.

The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive: An Overview


JavaScript LogoLearn the subtle yet critical details that allow you to leverage the JavaScript “this” keyword.

In JavaScript, the “this” keyword is one of the most overly-used yet under-utilized aspects of the language. It is also one of the most mis-understood topics. While it facilitates more readable, expressive object-oriented JavaScript, improper use is a catalyst for confusing code that is difficult to debug.

Personally, I’ve struggled to understand the mystery. I’ve heard many unusually long-winded explanations, which I feel only contribute to the silliness. Simply put: In JavaScript, “this” refers to the object upon which a function is invoked. That’s it.

In JavaScript, “this” refers to the object upon which a function is invoked.

This means that “this” can only be used in a function, or globally. When used in either of these cases, “this” refers to the window object. When the function is a method of an object, then “this” refers to the object that the method is a member of. When the function is a constructor, then “this” refers to the instance object. There is much more to talk about with regards to what “this” means in varying scenarios, but these are the most common situations.

Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have added a property to the window object, named it: “music”, and assigned the value “classical”. In the line that follows, we output the value of “”, and the result is: “classical”.

The reason for the output is simple: If you execute arbitrary code in the global context (i.e. outside of a function), then “this” refers to the window object. Executing arbitrary code in the global context is highly discouraged, but it is important to understand this behavior from a theoretical standpoint; in the global context: “this” will evaluate to the window object.

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have added a function named foo, and then logged the output of that function’s execution. The resulting value is: “classical”. Some may have expected the output to be “blues”. This is a common mistake.

In the function “foo”, “music” is a variable. The “this” keyword has to do with objects, never variables (there is a very subtle scenario where “this” refers to a variable, which we will address in a later post). So the fact that there is a variable named “music” is completely meaningless in this example. The function “foo” does only one thing: it returns the value of In that function, “this” is the widow object, and the value of is: “classical”. So, the variable “music” is completely ignored.

Example # 3

In Example # 3, we have added an object named “bar”. This object has two properties: “music”, which has a value of “jazz” and “getMusic”: a method that returns the value of bar’s “music” property.

The “getMusic” method has a line of code that you have seen in previous examples: “return”. But why does that line of code return: “jazz”? The reason for this behavior is that when a function is a method of an object, the “this” keyword refers to the object upon which that function is invoked. In this case, the object is “bar”, and bar’s “music” property is equal to “jazz”, so “” is equal to “jazz”.

Example # 4

In Example # 4, we have added the constructor function: “Baz”. “Baz” has a property named “music”, and it is equal to “rock”. It also has a property named “getMusic”, which is a method. The “getMusic” method returns the value of Baz’s “music” property.

You may be thinking that inside of the “Baz” constructor, the “this” keyword refers to the window object, as discussed in Example # 2. If we were to simply execute “Baz” (e.g. Baz() ), then yes, the property would be overwritten and given the value of “rock”, and there would be a new global property named “getMusic”, which would return “rock”.

But that’s not what happens. After we create the constructor: “Baz”, we instantiate it, which results in a variable named “bif”, an instance of “Baz”. When you instantiate a JavaScript constructor function, the “this” keyword inside of that function refers to the instance object that the constructor returns.




In this article we discussed the high-level details of the JavaScript “this” keyword. We learned that it refers to the object upon which a function is invoked, and how it means different things in different scenarios. The scenarios we covered are: the window object, inside of a function, inside of a method, and inside of a constructor function.

Easy JavaScript Object Context Switching with jQuery.proxy()


JavaScript LogoA popular saying in the Real Estate business is: “Location, location, location!” Well, in JavaScript, it’s all about “context”. When you want to leverage the very powerful keyword: “this”, then understanding the current context is critical.

So, those experienced with native JavaScript should be comfortable with the concept of context (If you are not, take a moment to brush up on this subject; it’s important.) When you need to specify context, you would normally use the .call() or .apply() methods. The jQuery folks have also provided a way to accomplish this with their .proxy() method. This method takes two arguments, which are: the function to be executed and the object whose context should be targeted. Any additional arguments are optional and are passed to the function that is executed.

Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have created two simple objects: “foo” and “bar”. Note that each object has one property named “music”. Next, we set up two click event handlers. In each case, we execute the “handler” function. And that function makes reference to “this”. If we were to run that function by itself, the output of the alert would be “undefined”, because when doing that, “this” refers to the window object, which at this time has no property named “music”.

So, by using the jQuery.proxy() method, we specify the context within which the “handler” function should be executed.

Here is the JS Fiddle link for Example # 1:

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have taken our cause to the DOM. We first create a function named toggleColor, which when passed a class name, will toggle that class name.

Next, we set up two click event handlers. In each case, we leverage jQuery.proxy(), to call the “toggleColor” function, and specify the context within which it should run. We’re also specifying the class name to be passed to that function.

Here is the JS Fiddle link for Example # 2:


In this article, we learned about the jQuery.proxy() method. In doing so, we discussed how it is used to specify the context within which a function should be executed. First we demonstrated how you can leverage this function using object literals. We then showed how you can do so by using DOM elements.

Helpful Links for the jQuery.proxy() method

Organize Your JavaScript Console Logging with a Custom debug() Function


JavaScript LogoEvery console.log() line in your JavaScript code has to be removed before pushing to production. With your own custom debug() method, you can safely leave all of your debug code in-place and just switch them “off” before going live.

The JavaScript console is an invaluable asset in the never-ending quest for sufficiently-tested code. For most JavaScript developers, a day at the office would not be complete without at least a few lines of debug code such as these:

But the problem is that code needs to be removed. That’s fine if it’s just a quick test. But what if there are 20 places in your code where you need to keep track of a value, trace program flow and logic, or test the return value of a function?” Well, that’s a lot of temporary code to keep track of and remember to delete. Even more frustrating is that in a month or two, when business wants more changes, you’ll probably wind up writing the same kinds of debug messages and putting them in the same places, only to have to search your script for “console” once again so that you can remove all of these debug statements before pushing to production.

There is certainly more than one way to skin a cat here, but a simple approach is to write your own custom debug function that shows messages, and knows when it should suppress those messages (i.e. when your code is running in production).

Creating a Custom Debug Function

First, let’s create a couple of functions that do things to objects. We’ll want to debug this code so that along the way, we can check to make sure that the functions are in-fact returning the object that is expected (combineObjects), or making the changes to the object that we pass in (arrayToUpper).

Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have created two simple objects. Let’s imagine that they were created separately somewhere else in our code, and need to be merged in order to create one complete “customer object”. We also have an array that contains the five days of the work week. This array has no functional relation to the two objects. The are all just variables that we can use to test our code.

The combineObjects() function takes two objects as arguments and returns a new object that contains the combined properties of the two original objects. The arrayToUpper() function takes an array as an argument and converts its string elements to upper-case.

For the sake of simplicity, I did not bother doing any kind of verification or type-checking in either method. In the real world, I highly recommend that these kinds of methods contain some kind of verification code at the top so that they fail gracefully.

For example, what if we passed two arrays to combineObjects()? Or what if arrayToUpper() received an array of functions as an argument? This is messy business. I’ve provided a few suggestion on how to create that kind of functionality in an earlier blog post: Validating JavaScript Function Arguments.

So, when you run Example # 1 in your JavaScript console, you will see that we have in-fact created a new object that is the sum of Obj1 and Obj2, and we have changed the array “myArr” so that all of its elements are now uppercase strings. But what I don’t like is that we have written two lines of “test” code that need to be removed at some point (i.e. the two console.dir() statements). I would like to include the testing in our functions so that we can simply call each function, not writing any special code that we need to keep track of and then delete before the production rollout.

Here is the link for Exampe # 1:

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have created a variable named “debugMode”. This tells our custom debug function whether or not messages should be output. If “debugMode” is set to “false”, then our custom debug function simply does nothing.

Ok, let’s look at our new “myDebug()” function. This function takes two arguments: a message and a callback. The message should be a string and if so, it will be output in the console. I tend to imagine messages such as “function getAccount started…” or “AJAX success callback fired….” etc. These are messages that your code can send to help “tell a story.”

The purpose of the callback is to allow for more complex messages. For example, you may want to inspect an object at that very moment. So, in addition to the text message, you can pass an anonymous function that contains a line such as “console.dir(myData)”. You could even include your “myDebug()” call inside of a “for” loop, inspecting the state of an object on each iteration of the loop. The sky’s the limit here. In general, I tend to feel that the text message and optional callback are enough for you to provide useful debugging messages for your app.

Example # 3 A

In Example # 3A, we have implemented our custom debug function: “myDebug”. Now we can simply call the functions combineObjects() and arrayToUpper() the way we normally would in our code. The “debugging” code that examines values and outputs informative messages now exists in the actual functions that do the work. When it is time to push this code to production, simply change the value of “debugMode” to “false”, and away we go. One line of code is all it takes to suppress all of our debug messages (see example # 3B below for a demonstration of this).

Here is the link for Example # 3A:

Example # 3B:

In Example # 3B, we have set “debugMode” to “false”, which means that you do not see any debug messages. But to complete our proof-of-concept, we add two console.dir() statements to the end of our code, which demonstrates that the code once again, performed as expected and our custom debug method “myDebug” behaved exactly as designed: no console messages.

Here is the link for Example # 3B:


In this article, we learned how to create a custom debug function. We discussed the value of minimizing “special” testing code that needs to be tracked and then removed before deploying to production. We also discussed how to design our custom debug function so that it can output text messages as well as execute anonymous functions. We also covered how to implement a very simple “off” switch. This will suppress any debug messages, which is recommended when pushing your code to production.

How to Turn the Query String Into a JavaScript Object

Object-Oriented JavaScript

JavaScript LogoIt is fairly common for any front-end web developer to examine the query string. If jQuery has taught us anything, that would be the power of abstraction: create functionality once, and then use that functionality as a tool over and over, as needed.

When working with the query string, it is usually best to grab it once, and then be done with that task. This will prove substantially helpful if you need to refer to the query string more than once in your code. If we do the work once, and do it right, then we have created a nice little tool that we can use over and over throughout our code.

So perhaps the best way to accomplish this task is to turn the query string into a JavaScript object. Simple stuff here. Let’s lay out our plan of attack:

  1. Get a reference to the Query String
  2. Chop off the question mark (we don’t need that)
  3. Turn the key/values into elements of an array
  4. Turn each key/value pair into a little two-element array
  5. Populate our object with each key/value as a propertyName / propertyValue
  6. We’re done!

So okay, let’s get to work.

Example # 1

In Example # 1 we have the raw and basic code needed to accomplish our task. I won’t go into any detail here. I just wanted to illustrate that the actual code needed is fairly minimal. So, if you run this code in your JavaScript console, and you have appended a query string to the page URL, you should see the object we created in the console.

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we expanded out the code with comments to make it easier to follow along. I won’t replicate each comment, but from a high-level perspective, here are the steps we take:

  1. Declare our variables at the top of the function (just good form)
  2. Get a reference to the query string, and chop off the question mark (i.e. omit “?”)
  3. Turn the query string into an array, using “&” as a delimiter
  4. Take that array, and split each element into a sub-array, using “=” as a delimiter
  5. That sub-array will always be a two-element array because on the left of the “=” is a key, and on the right side of it is a value
  6. Turn those two sub-array elements into a new “property / value” pair for our return object
  7. Repeat the last two steps for each sub array that was generated, by splitting the first array at “&”
  8. Now return our new object

Example # 3

In Example # 3, we added functionality that allows us to inject the values of our new object into the DOM. We use a for-in loop to iterate over the properties of our object. For each iteration of that loop, we inject a new LI element, with the appropriate markup for presentation. Note how we are using the variable “prop” and we also make a reference to “queryObject[prop]” which holds the value of the current property over which we are iterating.

Example # 4

In Example # 4, we have the full source code for our completed working example.

Here is the link to our full working example:


In this article, we took at look at one way in which you can turn the query string into a JavaScript object. We learned how to get a reference to the query string, omit the question mark, turn the key/value pairs into an array, and then work with each element of that array to turn them into properties of our new object. We also learned how to inspect our new object and inject it into the DOM as markup.

Helpful Links for working with the Query String using JavaScript

Super Flexible JavaScript Object and Array Iteration with jQuery.each()


jQuery LogoThe jQuery.each() method makes it trivial to iterate over or inspect any kind of collection: arrays, objects, array-like objects, even jQuery DOM Objects.

Working with JavaScript means working with Objects. There is almost no way around this. So even in the simplest of scenarios, at some point you are likely to encounter an object and you need to inspect it.

Keep in mind that in JavaScript, there are different kinds of objects. For example, an array is an object. And, a DOM element is an object. It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of the JavaScript “For/In” loop. If you are not able to use jQuery then that is your go-to tool for object inspection. If you are using jQuery, then the static .each() method is a real winner.

It is important to make sure you understand that this is not the same thing as the $().each() method. When you pass a CSS selector to jQuery and then call the .each() method on the collection that is returned, you are calling a different method in jQuery. It is very similar, but that syntax is meant especially for DOM collections.

The jQuery.each() method is a static method of the jQuery object. It is a more generalized method that can be used to iterate over any object, array or array-like object. So the syntax is quite simple:

The OBJECT argument is any object, array or array-like object. The CALLBACK argument can be an inline anonymous function, a named function expression or a variable that points to an anonymous function.

Example # 1


In Example # 1, we have provided a simple array: three strings, each representing a corresponding day of the work week. The callback function executes for each one of the array elements, and inside of that function the variable “value” represents the value of that array element. We could have called that variable “baseball”; it doesn’t matter what you call it. The most important thing to remember is that the second argument to the callback will return the value of the current array element that is being iterated over. So, simple stuff.

Here is a JSBin link for Example # 1:


Example # 2

In Example # 2, we take advantage of the “index” argument. In the console, we output the value of that variable. Again, this variable can be named anything. As with “value”, it’s most important to be aware that the first argument of the callback will return the index of the array element that is currently being iterated over.

Here is a JSBin link for Example # 2:


Example # 3

In Example # 3, we take things a step further to illustrate the fact that we can not only access the value of the current array element, but we can do things with it. Here, we simply remove ‘day’ from the string. But there is certainly a whole lot more that one might do. For example, if these array elements were objects instead of primitive strings, we could make changes to the objects and the next person or function who reached for that object would find it changed.

Here is a JSBin link for Example # 3:


Example # 4

In Example # 4, we move the object out of the jQuery.each() call and then simply reference it as the variable “data”. This time we have provided an array of objects. So on each iteration of the callback, instead of simply outputting a string, we are inspecting an object.

Here is a JSBin link for Example # 4:


Example # 5

In Example # 5, things get even more interesting. Here, we can see the brilliance of the jQuery.each() method. In this case we provide an object literal as the first argument to the .each() method. When an object is passed in, then the value of the “index” variable will be the name of the key or property of the object. So this saves you the time it would take to roll your own “For/In” loop.

Here is a JSBin link for Example # 5:


Example # 6

In Example # 6, the object that is provided is a jQuery collection object. So now, on each execution of the callback, we can use $(this) to reference the jQuery DOM element object that is being iterated over, and of course do all the usual kinds of fun things to the element with jQuery.

Here is a JSFiddle link for Example # 6:


Example # 7

And here, in Example # 7, we have abstracted the callback. Instead of providing an inline anonymous function, we provide a reference to a variable that is a function: “inspect”. So, that function will be called for every element provided in the data. The data we have provided in an array, and each element of that array is an object with some user account data. Phew! So, on each iteration of the callback (which is really the variable “inspect”, which is a function), we output the contents of that object to the console. We certainly could have done much more here, but the point of the example is that you can abstract any aspect of this that you like. So, as you can see, there is a ton of flexibility here and you are only limited by your imagination.

Here is a JSBin link for Example # 7:



In this article we learned a bit about the jQuery.each() method. We discussed the simple syntax, as well as the two arguments that are used in the callback. We also explored multiple scenarios such as inspecting an array of strings, inspecting an array of objects, inspecting objects and inspecting jQuery DOM objects.

Helpful Links for the jQuery.each() Method.