JavaScript LogoLearn how the JavaScript “this” keyword differs when instantiating a constructor (as opposed to executing the function).

In earlier articles of the “The JavaScript “this” Keyword Deep Dive” series, we discussed how the meaning of “this” differs in various scenarios. In this article, we will focus on JavaScript constructors. It is critical to keep in mind that in JavaScript, constructor functions act like classes. They allow you to define an object that could exist. The constructor itself is not yet an object. When we instantiate that constructor, the return value of the instantiation will be an object, and in that object, “this” refers to the instance object itself.

So, inside of a constructor function, the JavaScript keyword refers to the object that will be created when that constructor is instantiated.

Example # 1

In Example #1, you’ll see that we have created two new properties of the window object: “music” and “getMusic”. The “window.getMusic” method returns the value of, but it does so by referencing: “”. Since the “window.getMusic” method is executed in the global context, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object, which is why window.getMusic returns “classical”.

When you instantiate a JavaScript constructor function, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the instance of the constructor.

We’ve also created a constructor function named “Foo”. When we instantiate Foo, we assign that instantiation to the variable: “bar”. In other words, the variable “bar” becomes an instance of “Foo”. This is a very important point.

When you instantiate a JavaScript constructor function, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the instance of the constructor. If you remember from previous articles, constructor functions act like classes, allowing you to define a “blueprint” object, and then create “instances” of that “class”. The “instances” are JavaScript objects, but they differ from object literals in a few ways.

For an in-depth discussion of the difference between an object literal and an instance object, see the article: “What is the difference between an Object Literal and an Instance Object in JavaScript? | Kevin Chisholm – Blog”.

Earlier on, we established that inside a function that is not a method, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object. If you truly want to understand constructor functions, it is important to remember how the JavaScript “this” keyword differs inside that constructor. When you look at the code, it seems as if “this” will refer to the window object. If we were to simply execute Foo as if it were a normal function, this would be true (and we will discuss this scenario in Example # 3). But we don’t simply execute Foo; we instantiate it: var bar = new Foo().

When you instantiate a JavaScript constructor function, an object is returned. The JavaScript “this” keyword has a special meaning inside of that object: it refers to itself. In other words, when you create your constructor function, you can use the “this” keyword to reference the object that WILL be created when the constructor is instantiated.

So, in Example # 1, the getMusic method returns “”. Since the “music” property of Foo is: “jazz”, then the getMethod returns “jazz”. When we instantiate Foo, the variable “bar” becomes an instance of Foo, so bar.getMusic() returns “jazz”.


Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have changed Foo’s “GetMusic” method. Instead of returning “”, it returns an executed function. While at first glance, it may seem as though the “getMusic” method will return “jazz”, the link demonstrates that this is not the case.

Inside of the “getMusic” method, we have defined a variable that is equal to an anonymous function: “myFunction”. Here is where things get a bit tricky: “myFunction” is not a method. So, inside that function, the JavaScript “this” keyword refers to the window object. As a result, that function returns “classical” because inside of “myFunction”, is the same thing as, and is “classical”.


Example # 3

In Example # 3, we have an example of a scenario that you don’t want: executing a JavaScript constructor function instead of instantiating it. Hopefully, this is a mistake that you will catch quickly, but it can happen. It is also possible that you might inherit code that contains such a bug. Either way, this is bad.

While the Foo constructor still has a “getMusic” method, because we execute Foo, instead of instantiating it, the code inside of Foo overwrites two properties that we created earlier: and window.getMusic. As a result, when we output the value of “this.getMusic()”, we get “jazz”, because when we executed Foo, we overwrote, changing it from “classical” to “jazz”.

While this is a pattern that you want to be sure to avoid in your code, it is important that you be able to spot it. This kind of bug can leave you pulling your hair out for hours.



In this article we learned how the JavaScript “this” keyword behaves in a constructor function. We learned about instantiating a constructor and the relationship between “this” and the instance object. We also discussed a couple of scenarios that are important to understand with regards to “this” and constructor functions.


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