JavaScript LogoLearn the subtle yet critical details that allow you to leverage the JavaScript “this” keyword.

In JavaScript, the “this” keyword is one of the most overly-used yet under-utilized aspects of the language. It is also one of the most mis-understood topics. While it facilitates more readable, expressive object-oriented JavaScript, improper use is a catalyst for confusing code that is difficult to debug.

Personally, I’ve struggled to understand the mystery. I’ve heard many unusually long-winded explanations, which I feel only contribute to the silliness. Simply put: In JavaScript, “this” refers to the object upon which a function is invoked. That’s it.

In JavaScript, “this” refers to the object upon which a function is invoked.

This means that “this” can only be used in a function, or globally. When used in either of these cases, “this” refers to the window object. When the function is a method of an object, then “this” refers to the object that the method is a member of. When the function is a constructor, then “this” refers to the instance object. There is much more to talk about with regards to what “this” means in varying scenarios, but these are the most common situations.

Example # 1

In Example # 1, we have added a property to the window object, named it: “music”, and assigned the value “classical”. In the line that follows, we output the value of “”, and the result is: “classical”.

The reason for the output is simple: If you execute arbitrary code in the global context (i.e. outside of a function), then “this” refers to the window object. Executing arbitrary code in the global context is highly discouraged, but it is important to understand this behavior from a theoretical standpoint; in the global context: “this” will evaluate to the window object.

Example # 2

In Example # 2, we have added a function named foo, and then logged the output of that function’s execution. The resulting value is: “classical”. Some may have expected the output to be “blues”. This is a common mistake.

In the function “foo”, “music” is a variable. The “this” keyword has to do with objects, never variables (there is a very subtle scenario where “this” refers to a variable, which we will address in a later post). So the fact that there is a variable named “music” is completely meaningless in this example. The function “foo” does only one thing: it returns the value of In that function, “this” is the widow object, and the value of is: “classical”. So, the variable “music” is completely ignored.

Example # 3

In Example # 3, we have added an object named “bar”. This object has two properties: “music”, which has a value of “jazz” and “getMusic”: a method that returns the value of bar’s “music” property.

The “getMusic” method has a line of code that you have seen in previous examples: “return”. But why does that line of code return: “jazz”? The reason for this behavior is that when a function is a method of an object, the “this” keyword refers to the object upon which that function is invoked. In this case, the object is “bar”, and bar’s “music” property is equal to “jazz”, so “” is equal to “jazz”.

Example # 4

In Example # 4, we have added the constructor function: “Baz”. “Baz” has a property named “music”, and it is equal to “rock”. It also has a property named “getMusic”, which is a method. The “getMusic” method returns the value of Baz’s “music” property.

You may be thinking that inside of the “Baz” constructor, the “this” keyword refers to the window object, as discussed in Example # 2. If we were to simply execute “Baz” (e.g. Baz() ), then yes, the property would be overwritten and given the value of “rock”, and there would be a new global property named “getMusic”, which would return “rock”.

But that’s not what happens. After we create the constructor: “Baz”, we instantiate it, which results in a variable named “bif”, an instance of “Baz”. When you instantiate a JavaScript constructor function, the “this” keyword inside of that function refers to the instance object that the constructor returns.




In this article we discussed the high-level details of the JavaScript “this” keyword. We learned that it refers to the object upon which a function is invoked, and how it means different things in different scenarios. The scenarios we covered are: the window object, inside of a function, inside of a method, and inside of a constructor function.


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