Q 1: Name two ways to dynamically add the value “bar” to the array “foo”


Hint: Two Ways to Dynamically Append an Element to a JavaScript Arrayy

Q 2: Of what JavaScript type is an Array?

A: object

Hint: Associative Arrays in JavaScript

Q 3: What property tells you the length of a JavaScript array?

A: The “length” property

More Info on the JavaScript Array’s “length” property:

Why is a JavaScript Array’s Length Property Always One Higher Than the Value of the Last Element’s Index?

Q 4: If the array “foo” has a length of 10, what is the index of the first element in the array?

A: 0

Hint: JavaScript Arrays are zero-based

Q 5: If the array “foo” has a length of 10, what is the index of the last element in the array?

A: 9

Hint: JavaScript Arrays are zero-based

Q 6: What is the syntax you would use to assign the first element in the array “foo” to the variable “bar”?


Q 7: True of False: An element in a JavaScript array can be another array

A: True

Hint: JavaScript Array elements can be arrays

Q 8: Given the following line of code, what is the length of the array “foo”?

A: 0

Hint: foo is an Array literal, but in this line of code, no elements have been defined.

Q 9: What does the array.shift() method do, and what does it return?

A: It removes the first element from the array and returns that element

More info on the JavaScript array.shift() method:

JavaScript Array Management with Push(), Pop(), Shift() and Unshift()/a>

Q 10: Given the following line of code, what would be the output of the console?

A:  [undefined, undefined, undefined]

Hint: When you instantiate the JavaScript Array() constructor, and pass in a single number, that number will indicate the length of the array, but the elements are still not initialized (i.e. they are all undefined)

Helpful Links for JavaScript Arrays

Kevin Chisholm – YouTube: Array

Kevin Chisholm Blog – Array