Getting Started with Backbone.js Models – Part II : Creating an Initialize Method

In the previous post: “Getting Started with Backbone.js Models – Introduction,” I discussed how the extend method of the Backbone.Model constructor is extended, which results in a new “class” that you can instantiate. When extending this constructor, an object was passed-in, which contained default values for the model data. Those default values were key/value pairs […]

Getting Started with Backbone.js Models – Introduction

Learn how Backbone.js Models provide abstraction that simplifies data management in your single page application In my previous articles about Backbone.js, I covered the basics of routes and views. I chose those areas as starting points because they are a bit easier to digest and put to use. For example, you can put together simple pages that […]

Getting Started with Backbone.js Views – Part III : Event Handlers Basics

Learn how to set up event handlers in your Backbone.js view In the previous two articles of this series: “Getting Started with Backbone.js Views” (Parts I & II), we learned how to set up a view and optimize it for better performance. The next logical step is event handlers. While it may be possible that […]

Getting Started with Backbone.js Views – Part II : Optimization Basics

Learn how to optimize your Backbone.js view for better performance In the first part of this series:  Getting Started with Backbone.js Views – Part I : Introduction, we learned the basics of how to implement a view in Backbone.js. Although the process of extending the Backbone.View class was quite similar to extending the Backbone.Route constructor, […]

Getting Started with Backbone.js Views – Part I : Introduction

Learn how to separate presentation from logic by leveraging Backbone.js views2 One of the main principles of MVC is the separation of presentation, data and logic. While it may be tempting to mix these concerns in order to “get it out the door”, maintaining and extending this kind of code can quickly become a nightmare. […]

Getting Started with Backbone.js Routes – Part II: Handling Bad Requests

Learn how to handle requests for a route that you have not configured In the first part of this series: Getting Started with Backbone.js Routes – Part I: Introduction, we learned how to set up routing in a single page web application. We covered two kinds of routes: a “default” route (i.e. no route is […]

Getting Started with Backbone.js Routes – Part I: Introduction

Learn the simple yet powerful syntax for setting up routing in your Backbone.js single page application Routes are one of the most important aspects of any single page application. Routes allow you to intercept browser address changes and act upon them accordingly. As per the moniker “single page application” suggests, after the completion of the […]

Who Are the Top JavaScript Developers I Should Know About?

There are a few developers who are particularly knowledgeable about JavaScript. In many cases, their work and their writings are real gems that can provide a deeper perspective on the language. In this article, I have created a summary of the top JavaScript Developers I’ve come across in the last few years. In each case, […]

Book Review: Instant Dependency Management with RequireJS How-to

Greg Franko’s book, Instant Dependency Management with RequireJS How-to, from Packt Publishing, strives to cut through the clutter and introduce you to AMD through Require.js Asynchronous Module Definition is a term that can be intimidating. Even worse, it can potentially discourage JavaScript programmers from learning about and implementing the AMD API.  Fortunately, this book can be […]