The good news is: there are a lot of Node hosting services out there. The bad news is: there are a lot of Node hosting services out there
Installing Node locally is easy. Cloning an existing Node application from GitHub and running it locally is easy. Creating your own Node application and running it locally is easy. But, choosing a hosting solution for your Node application is definitely not easy.
Below is a list of companies that offer Node hosting services. I do not claim to have every possible company listed here. But I’ve done my best to list the ones that I know about and will update this page any time I learn about another one worth mentioning.
Title: Openshift
Description: I’ve used quite a bit and for the most part have been very happy with their service. They offer a free plan that definitely includes what you need to get up-and-running.
Title: Heroku
Description: Heroku was the first Node hosting service I knew about. I’ve not used it in a while but I was always very happy with it. Setup and deployment was fairly pain-free, as was adding services such as MongoDB.
Title: Amazon Web Services
Link: Deploying Node.js Applications to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Description: AWS is a big topic. But in general, it’s really easy to get a Node instance up-and-running with Elastic Beanstalk.
Title: Nodejitsu
Description: I’ve not tried Nodejitsu but have heard good things about them.
Description: This is a new one to me, but their setup looks super-simple.
Title: Node.js on Google Cloud Platform
Description: Although Google still has not caught up with Amazon yet, they are serious about their cloud offerings. I’ve not tried their Node hosting but have confidence that it is at worst, solid.
Title: Node.js Hosting
Description: Another new one to me, but their packages look very affordable.
Title: Node.js One Click Install | Cloud Hosting – GoDaddy
Description: Godaddy now offers a “Cloud” service that supports Node hosting.