Express.js provides the kind of abstraction that lets you stay out of the weeds and focus on your application code.
While the low-level nature of Node can be an asset, it can also be somewhat of a curse because when you’re serving static assets, it can be tedious to detect routes and serve the correct static assets for an entire web page. Some examples of static assets are CSS files, images or JavaScript files. Now, the good news is, Express is a Node module that provides abstraction for these kinds of challenges. It’s popular, it’s used by large companies, and there’s strong community support for it, all of which make this a solid choice.
Why Express?
The main goal of Express is to provide an application framework, and getting started is simple. Take a look at the code samples, which you can clone at the following Github repository: Introduction to Express.js, the Node.js web application framework. You’ll find instructions on how to run the code in the Github
The package.json for this project is simple: the single dependency is express.
The get() Method – Example # 1
In Example # 1, we call the get() method of the app variable, and we pass the string “/” to the get method. This tells Express.js how we want to handle any GET request to the root of the application. (NOTE: GET is an HTTP verb, other examples are POST and PUT.) In Example # 1, we are sending back a simple HTML page, and we have created the HTML by constructing a string that represents that HTML code. This happens in the “HTML” variable. We then call the send() method of the result object, sending our HTML back to the user. Now run Example # 1 in your terminal with the command node example-1.js, then navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. There you will then see “This is Example # 1”.
The use() method – Example # 2
Example # 2 is much shorter than Example # 1 because we have not hard-coded our HTML. Instead, we have used the use method of the app object, which tells Express which folder we want to use for serving static assets. As a result, our JavaScript code is cleaner, and easier to read. Also, we’ve separated concerns. In other words, instead of hard-coding our HTML in our JavaScript file, we’ve put HTML where it belongs: in an HTML file.
Now notice how the web page in Example # 2 has an image. I included that to point out how Express handles this for us, even though we never had to write any JavaScript code that specifically waits for an image request. There is also a CSS file being served. In both cases, Express understands that WWW is our public web folder and it serves up static assets as needed, which certainly saves us a lot of time. Now run Example # 2 in your terminal with the command node example-2.js, then navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. There you will see “This is www/index.html”, which is a major improvement, as the HTML that the user sees is actually served from a static HTML file.
Adding Handlers for a Second Route – Example # 3
In Example # 3, we use the GET method to add a handler for when the user requests “/about“. In this case, we serve-up “/www/about.html“, which is just one example, but we could have added any specific route handlers needed. Now run Example # 3 in your terminal with the command node example-3.js, and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. There you will see “This is www/index.html”. Now, click “About” in the upper-right-hand corner, to display the “About Us” page. You can then click “Home” and “About” over and over, to switch routes, because our JavaScript code in Example-1.js handles the alternation of these two routes.
In this article, we learned the absolute basics of Express, but in doing so, we also got to see how simple it is to use. In our discussion we saw examples of the get() method, as well as the use() method. I’m hoping that this was enough to illustrate the power behind this Node.js web application framework, and that it will get you well on your way to enjoying its usefulness.