With the the jQuery off method, you can unbind handlers for one or more events, for each matched element.
Most of the time, front-end web developers are concerned with binding event handlers — that is, defining a JavaScript function that will be executed when an event occurs. An event can be a mouse click, a hover, a scroll, or just about any other action that a user takes on the page. And it goes without saying that jQuery makes event binding easy. But what about when you want to remove an event binding? There may be cases in which, for whatever reason, you no longer want your event handler function to be executed. This does happen.
Well, a typical scenario might be when a user is not authenticated, in which case you may want to prevent the user from taking certain actions. Or, perhaps you have a business requirement that involves displaying an advertisement after the user has advanced a slide-show a certain number of times. Well, part of that requirement might be that the ad has to show for at least 10 seconds, and during those ten seconds, you do not want the user to be able to click the “back” or “next” buttons in the slide show.
The jQuery.off() method allows you to remove an event handler that was bound using the jQuery.on() method. The syntax requires that you pass a string as the first argument, and that string that you pass to the jQuery.off() method specifies the event that you want to unbind. For example, you may have bound event handlers for both the “click” and “dblclick” events and you may only want to unbind the “click” event handler but leave the “dblclick” event handler intact. But just remember: you can only unbind event handlers that are managed with jQuery.
Try It Yourself!
In the above example, there are three paragraph elements. Click each one. When you do, you’ll see the text change to: “I was clicked”. Next, click the “Refresh” button so that the page reloads. Now click any of the paragraphs. You’ll notice that the text no longer changes as you click each one.
Click the JavaScript tab. You’ll see that there is a click-event handler for each paragraph. This changes the text to “I was clicked” when a paragraph is clicked. There is also a click-event handler for the first button. When that button is clicked, the jQuery off method is called against every paragraph in the page. This unbinds every click event handler. Thus, when you click any paragraph, the text no longer changes.
Video Example Code
If you want to download the example code, visit this Github page, and then follow the instructions: bit.ly/FEV-jq-off
While jQuery makes event binding simple, that is also the case when you need to unbind one. The jQuery.off() method is used to remove an event handler from one or more HTML elements. So, when you pass a string as the first argument, you simply let jQuery know which event you wish to unbind. The one restriction of the jQuery.off() method is that it can only be used with event handlers that are managed with jQuery.